Version : | Release date : | Requirements : |
Community Project 4.2011 OE 5.3.0 |
April 15, 2011 |
PHP >= 5.2.14, 5.3 recommended If using eZ Find : Java <= 1.6 |
Upstream Download: share.ez.no/downloads/downloads/ez-publish-community-project-4.2011
Changelog 4.4 to Community Project 4.2011
- 03693 Search does not work correctly, whilst running in CGI mode
- 07591 Automatic virtual host mode detection fails
- 09160 foward / back link in image gallery not working
- 11204 Incorrectly generated URLs
- 11536 Headers inside tables are displayed using a wrong level
- 13637 Webdav doesn't honor ForceVirtualHost setting - doesn't work in such setup
- 14255 PHP Notice when running rssimport.php cronjobs
- 14342 eZContentObjectTreeNode::subTreeByNodeID with Offset but no Limit param
- 14846 Template function 'attribute_view_gui' with view=plain param doesn't work properly
- 15023generate fatal error taking a lot of server resources
- 15045 updateviewcount.php does not take PathPrefix into account
- 15061 ez scripts that declare support for use_session cannot print help text if db is in siteaccess
- 15073 object name with text line attribute causes database transaction failure
- 15108 Raise CacheThreshold to not clear all view cache on normal ezflow frontpages
- 15128 Losing input when assigning Object state in edit form
- 15256 ezcache.php doesn't delete global ini cache
- 15376 ezmultiupload doesn't handle upload_max_filesize and post_max_size limitations (Fixed by patrickallaert)
- 15459 Cluster : Script for delivering images should not take into account query string
- 15793 eZDFS: Image files and aliases are not removed when a objectversion is deleted
- 15918 Moving a node doesn't update search index
- 15985 Debug notices when translating an object to a new language
- 16312 Problem creating folders with eZDFS
- 16614 some update scripts do not load extensions. Will not work in any configuration
- 16857 Possible issue with transactions in relation with ezmultiplexer, ezoracle and content object states
- 16959 Problem with images when using more then 255 long title attributes
- 17164 ezstring datatype pass validation if space is entered
- 17219 Policy "section/assign" does not uphold subtree limitation
- 17254 ez still opens a db connection even when sessions are stored in the filesystem
- 17278 Wrong translation after clearing cache in admin setup tab
- 17305 Admin2 gives warning in IE if if [TreeMenu]Dynamic=disabled
- 17325 general digest notification runs out of memory
- 17327 bump minimum php version checked in setup wizard
- 17338 Email notification not sent in approval workflow
- 17340 admin2: cannot get anymore to objects that have a zero-bytes name (no name)
- 17351 browse_first_placement.tpl in admin and admin2 has wrong variable name
- 17352 eZKeywordType::fromString() not working with an empty value.
- 17355 admin2: js error prevents context menu in children items table to pop up
- 17358 translation cache is expiring all the time
- 17360 Documentation update
- 17404 Fatal error when removing a session from session administration in admin interface
- 17424 Override by table_classification on td/th/tr tags has been broken since 3.9
- 17443 Subitems does not display if creator has been deleted in admin2
- 17448 Admin subitems context menu provides edit languages based on parent node instead itself.
- 17453 ez4.4.0 - section_identifer udpate script 'updatesectionidentifier.php' not working
- 17459 You can't view cogwheel pop-up menu if the name field has an apostrophe
- 17519 up and down attribute buttons can corrupt class definition
- 17523 admin2: default contentclass: Default sorting of children - differs from - Node Order options
- 17524 URL Wildcard Case-Sensitive
- 17550 Login unsuccessful after upgrade to 4.4 with DebugByUser enabled
- 17551 An useless extra test for in index.php
- 17552 ezimagealiashandler - minor speedup possible
- 17593 Siteaccess specific file.ini.append.php is not used
- 17614 Missing RewriteRule in documentation of eZ 4.4
- 17622 Using images (image datatype) not working in DFS cluster mode on oracle
- 17632 Wrong language used for URL alias with a non-default language node
- 17646 Put big inline JavaScript blocks in a dedicated .js file
- 17653 Offline kickstart install does not work
- 17668 fetch for logged_in_users not working in 4.4
- 17674 Registering a new user raises a php_warning
- 17684 eZDFSFileHandler::purge with a directory doesn't purge local files
- 17685 RSS GUID is not persistent
- 17686 ezdatetime "use seconds" is not supported in admin2 templates
- 17703 Fatal error when deleting main node having ezfind enabled
- 17725 children.tpl includes YUI3 loader even if YUI3 is not used anywhere
- 17732 Editing a class with ezscriptmonitor active dos not show "Class storing defered" in Admin2 Interface
- 17743 eZContentObjectTreeNode::removeSubtrees does not remove objects hidden by superior
- 17761 ezcache.php --purge does not purge template-blocks
- 17763 updatesectionidentifier.php and user extensions
- 17775 MaxNodesRemoveSubtree warning missing in frontend designs
- 17778 workflow/view - event_ezmultiplexer.tpl - selected workflow view shows in some cases wrong values
- 17798 Default value of ignore_visibility param in reverse_related_objects fetch is null
- 17803 Remote ID aren't unique when forking eZ Publish execution
- 17805 Attribute id mismatch for new attributes added to class
- 17816 eZTemplateDesignResource::handleResource() may cause memory leaks
- 17820 Change priorities don't clear the cache (patch by Damien Pobel)
- 17822 A useless update query is executed on ezcontentobject_tree during publishing
- 17831 Translation expiry reset at every request
- 17836 eZUserType->fromString should check RequireUniqueMail setting
- 17840 Interrupted operations won't restart where they stopped
- 17853 Objects erroneously hidden by cronjobs/hide.php script
- 17860 Some eZUser cache still only used for current user
- 17870 Bug casting in /lib/eztemplate/classes/eztemplate.php
- 17916 update isbn script cannot use range.js file anymore
- 17918 eZINI isLoaded() and resetGlobals() functions ignore the addArrayDefinition key element
- 17931 suggestion: rename "url management" to "link management"
- 17932 Indexer crashes on trashed objects
- 17942 Footers in most interfaces need to be updated with 2011 copyright date
- 17950 Routes are hardcoded with '/api'.
- 17951 Potential problem when the REST interface is exposed in a sub-path location
- 18016 eZSendmailTransport::sendMail() - no errors in an error.log if message cannot be sent
- 18038 ezmbpaex : Validation Regexp is not stored when creating/editing a user
- 18040 (Oracle) (Webin) Clicking on "discard draft" button on "Site settings" raises a DB error
- 18041 Oracle : query error when creating folders
- 18045 REST schema doesn't work on POSTGRES
- 18056 URLs and Images in RSS feed do not use absolute URLs
- 18060 rest api bug: the name of the providers can not be the part of the route
- 18063 rest api: do not add to final result requestedResponseGroups array if it was not asked for
- 18073 REST : Give authenticated users access to user-specific content
- 18081 Response from token endpoint should be in JSON format
- 18082 OAuth token extraction does not fall back to query variables and http body.
- 18085 REST : Specific design for oauth login si broken
- 18086 subitems sort is not working when clicking on a page or next/previous
- 18096 allow ezsqldumpschema to dump huge datatabases without running out of memory
- 18108 Verify correct naming and placement of new classes. Part1.
- 18110 : translation ts files having messages with more than one location elements do not validate
- 18111 Token expiry time is not configurable at the moment.
- 18113 REST : refresh_token is not returned when token response_type is requested
- 18127 php warning in master / slave setup with mysqli
- 18136 REST : Accessing to an unauthorized content should raise an HTTP 403
- 18138 REST : Error messages should be displayed in JSON
- 18144 eZUser->lastVisit() is updated on every request with ezpSessionHandlerPHP
- 18149 special character not supported by eZXMLInputHandler
- 18173 OAuth authentication with access token doesn't check client validity
- 18179 Headers don't comply to OAuth 2.0 r10 spec in case of an OAuth error
- 18186 Special characters in custom-tags's xml attributes cause crash
- 18196 AlphabeticalFilter is not working in admin2
- 18197 i18n doesn't use TS cache when fallback is set to eng-GB
- 18201 Wrong encoding of class name in gear popup menu
- 18211 URL datatype is not case sensitive
- 18214 admin1: js error prevents context menu to pop up
- 18215 Information stays after deleting a file
- 18227 Asynchronous publishing won't clear cache on a DB based cluster setup
- 06939 Getting a more realistic last visit time of users that have never logged in
- 08903 provide sort option for basket
- 10827 Adding a CLI trash purge script
- 13304 merge default rewrite rules with the ones documented for vhost setup - improve .htaccess_root
- 13929 viewcaching.ini : new clear option for "children" needed
- 16498 ezJSCore : see packed files list in ez debug
- 16513 Add ability to define Expires offset send by index_cluster.php
- 17403 Session administration in admin interface only list one session per user
- 17561 Better utf8 encoding support in eZSys for all supported webservers
- 17762 Adding canonical link real to header when language different
- 17797 DFS cluster should not use match by LIKE
- 17832 Unnecessary emacs script file .revive.el in design/base/templates
- 17863 Convert settings/*.ini files to UTF-8 charset
- 17900 eZDebugSetting should lazy load its settings
- 17946 eZContentObject::fetchByNodeID() should also take an array of NodeIDs as parameter
- 17954 Make implicit ->load() in eZINI constructor optional
- 17974 Unable to modify/remove workflow if workflow extension is deactivated
- 18043 Add support for getting specific column in tree list fetch