
eZ Publish Community Project 2013.05

You are using the innovative and cutting-edge version of eZ Publish, built by eZ Systems and the eZ Community.


Version : Release date : Requirements :
Community Project 2013.05 (6th "eZ Publish 5 build") May. 21th, 2013

PHP >= 5.3.3 (5.3.7 known to be bugged)
MySQL >= 5.0.51a
PostgreSQL >= 8

If using eZ Find : Java <= 1.6 or >= 1.7.1

Release Notes - ez-publish-community-project-2013-05

Important Information Before You Start Installing

  • This is the 6th "eZ Publish 5" build, that comprises an eZ Publish 4.x build, under the 'ezpublish_legacy' folder, at the root of your eZ Publish 5 installation. We highly recommend, however, to get acquainted with the brand new eZ Publish 5 stack :)




Make sure to check the eZ Publish 2013.05 system requirements before proceeding.

Proceeding: One Major Tip

When installing on a linux/UNIX system or Windows-based system, make sure to create a Virtual Host, before starting the installation wizard (this step is highly recommended).



The main entry point of knowledge for you is the eZ Publish 5 Cookbook. 

Have a look at Nicolas' slides presented at the first stage of the eZ+SensioLabs roadshow in Cologne, presenting eZ Publish 5.

Do not miss Joe Kepley's blog containing loads of great tutorials on eZ Publish 5. Also, read Damien's story of the upgrade of planet-ezpublish.fr to eZ Publish 5. Also, take a look at thistutorial by Granite Horizon, to take a safe start in creating controllers for eZ Publish 2013.05. You may want tell what you would like to see in an eZ Publish 5 tutorial here:  What's Needed in an eZ 5 Tutorial?


Feedback/reports are key, more than ever

Our community is at a turning point, where feedback is more important than ever. Should you encounter issues installing eZ Publish 5, using it, stumbling upon missing functionality, or be willing to take an active part in eZ Publish 5 development, like some already did, use the following resources:



  • 44 bug-fixes for registered issues
  • 73 pull-requests merged
  • 3 enhancements

See the changelog for details


Still up-to-date

Our core-team has blogged on the fly when developing eZ Publish 5, here is a short overview:

We discussed the topic extensively at the first eZ Community UnConference, and got our first hands-on experience on Symfony 2.

We have also been speaking at:

Last, but not least: the eZ Publish 5 documentation still is under construction, but improvements were made since 2012.11. You can find it here: https://confluence.ez.no/display/EZP/eZ+Publish+Documentation, notably the Cookbook for developers. Feedback appreciated on this too.


Known issues

  • When trying to sign-in, through the 5.x stack, you will encounter an issue if you are running PHP 5.4 or above.
  • The final screen of the installation wizard still requires you to enter information to be able to finalize the installation. We will make this an opt-in step, as discussed here.

Upgrade Notes

Upgrading from eZ Publish Community Project 2013.4 to 2013.05

Important Information Before You Start

  • This is the 6th "eZ Publish 5" build, that comprises an eZ Publish 4.x build, under the 'ezpublish_legacy' folder, at the root of your eZ Publish 5 installation,
  • The upgrade procedure below must be applied to the latter, then the normal installation procedure for the eZ Publish 5 stack must be followed, 
  • Make sure to follow the Virtual Host based installation procedure in the latter to initiate the setup wizard.


Upgrading from 2013.4 to 2013.05


This section describes how to upgrade your existing eZ Publish Community Project 2013.4 installation to build 2013.05. Make sure that you have a working backup of the site before you do the actual upgrade, and make sure the installation you are performing the upgrade on is offline.

Important upgrade notes:

The procedure for upgrading from eZ Publish Community Project build 2013.4 to build 2013.05 consists of the following steps:

  • Backing up the website
  • Putting the website offline (optional)
  • Upgrading the database
  • Upgrading the distribution files to 2013.4
  • Upgrading custom extensions
  • Regenerate the autoload array for extensions
  • Clearing the caches
  • Putting the website online (optional)


Check for requirements

It is recommended to always verify the requirements for the new version of eZ Publish before attempting an upgrade. eZ Publish Community Project 2013.4 is compatible with PHP version 5.3.3 and above. So is eZ Publish Community Project 2013.05. For more information regarding system requirements check out "Requirements for doing a normal installation".


Step 1: Backing up the website

  • Filesystem set: the extension and settings folders, plus any other folder where you have put your custom developments in (e.g. design/mydesign)
  • Content set: the var/storage, var/<vardir>/storage folders, and a dump of the database (nb: for ezdb cluster mode, a dump of the storage database is needed instead of the storage folders; for ezdfs cluster mode both a dump of the storage database and a backup of the shared var folder on nfs)
  • Optional: the complete installation directory of eZ Publish, except for the var directory and for the eZFind index directory. This is mandatory if you have customized the .htaccess or config.php files

Tip: if you have many user sessions, and the session data is stored in the database, it might be a good idea to remove all data from the session table before backing it up
ALTER TABLE eznode_assignment CHANGE COLUMN remote_id remote_id varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';


Run the following against your Postgresql database :

<span>-- See https://jira.ez.no/browse/EZP-20527</span><span>ALTER</span> <span>TABLE</span> eznode_assignment <span>ALTER</span> <span>COLUMN</span> remote_id TYPE character varying<span>(</span><span>100</span><span>)</span>;


Step 4: Upgrading the distribution files

The easiest way to upgrade the distribution files is to unpack eZ Publish 2013.05 to a separate directory and then copy into it the directories that contain site-specific files from the existing installation. Make sure that you copy the following directories:

  • design/<mydesign>
  • design/<mydesign_admin>
  • var
  • settings/siteaccess
  • settings/override

Replace "mydesign" and "mydesign_admin" with the actual names of your designs.

Important note: Because the new directory has replaced the original directory, the directory permissions need to be fixed. Use the following commands to do this.

(You have the choice between Shell commands or Alternative shell commands):

  • Shell commands

These shell commands will give proper permission to the web server:

cd </path/to/your/eZ/Publish/directory>chmod -R a+rwx design extension settings var 
  • Alternative shell commands

 These commands will setup the permission more correctly, but require knowledge about the user account used for running the web server process.cd </path/to/your/eZ/Publish/directory>

cd </path/to/your/eZ/Publish/directory>chmod -R og+rwx design extension settings varchown -R <webuser>:<webusergroup> design extension settings var 


Step 5: Custom extensions

If you are using custom extensions, the sub-directories inside the "extension" directory will also have to be copied. However, make sure that you do not overwrite any extensions that are included in the eZ Publish 2013.05 tarball, which are currently:

Bundled and enabled

  • ezautosave-5.1.0
  • ezcomments-5.1.0
  • ezformtoken-5.1.0
  • ezie-5.1.0
  • ezjscore-5.1.0
  • ezmultiupload-5.1.0
  • ezodf-5.1.0
  • ezoe-5.1.0
  • ezprestapiprovider-5

Bundled but not enabled

  • ezfind-5.1.0
  • ezscriptmonitor-5.1.0

Optional installation (depending on the package chosen during the installation wizard)

  • ezdemo-5.1.0
  • ezdemodesign-5.1.0
  • ezflow-5.1.0
  • ezgmaplocation-5.1.0
  • ezstarrating-5.1.0
  • ezwebin-5.1.0
  • ezwt-5.1.0


Step 6: Regenerate the autoload array for extensions

To regenerate the autoload array, execute the following script from the root of your eZ Publish installation:

php bin/php/ezpgenerateautoloads.php --extension


Step 7: Clearing the caches

Whenever an eZ Publish website is upgraded, all caches must be cleared in a proper way. This should be done from the root directory of your eZ Publish installation:

php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-all --purge 

Tip : Purging ensures that the caches are physically removed. When the "--purge" parameter is not specified, the caches will be expired but not removed.

Sometimes the script is unable to clear all cache files because of restrictive file/directory permission settings. Make sure that all cache files have been cleared by inspecting the contents of the various cache sub-directories within the "var" directory (typically the "var/cache/" and "var/<name_of_siteaccess>/cache/" directories). If there are any cache files left, you need to remove them manually.


Step 8: Putting the website back online

This step is optional, and is only needed if you put the website offline at step 2

  • warm up the template cache by pre-compiling template files. This should be done from the root directory of your eZ Publish installation:
php bin/php/eztc.php --wwwdir=<value> --index-file=<value> 
  • re-enable the cronjobs
  • warm up the content cache: use a tool such as curl or wget that will navigate the website to force eZPublish to generate the view cache for all content
  • change the webserver / firewall configuration to allow public access to your website again
  • Backing up the website
  • Putting the website offline (optional)
  • Upgrading the database
  • Upgrading the distribution files to 2013.05
  • Upgrading custom extensions
  • Regenerate the autoload array for extensions
  • Clearing the caches
  • Putting the website online (optional)


Changelog from Community Project 2013.4 to Community Project 2013.05


eZ Publish Kernel & APIs
  • EZP-20659: Server error when applying watermark in image editor
  • EZP-20757: %secret% key should be generated at install/update
  • EZP-20783: csrf_protection.field_name.value breaks ezxformtoken in AJAX calls
  • EZP-20877: Remove useless use stament causing PHP warning

eZ Publish Legacy Stack (LS)
  • EZP-18195: $result.object is not correctly created (part 2)
  • EZP-19608: Wrong documentation while running the installation of eZ Publish
  • EZP-20145: Templates not cleared with bin/php/ezcache.php when using SharedCompiledTemplatesDir
  • EZP-20287: Error code in legacy not sent to the symfony stack
  • EZP-20455: eZUser::isLoggedIn does not correctly check user's state
  • EZP-20630: PHP notice when defining a constant in config.php
  • EZP-20687: added fiximagesoutsidevardir.php update script
  • EZP-20689: Missing DB update scripts on 5.x branches - Added script 4.6 to 4.7 from the stable-4.7 branch
  • EZP-20699: Running ezcache with purge in symfony cli genates a php fatal error
  • EZP-20718: autoload.php processed/included more than once
  • EZP-20766: Wrong default value for CLUSTER_HEADER_X_POWERED_BY
  • EZP-20774: Broken link-back in PHP compatibility check error page
  • EZP-20787: Improve update script fiximagesoutsidevardir.php
  • EZP-20845: Wrong working directory when using legacy kernel at the end of the request
  • EZP-20852: Regression in unit test on postgres on eZContentObjectTreeNodeRegression::testIssue16737

eZ Publish 5
  • EZP-19971: Forms from 5.x to LS stack not supported by ezformtoken
  • EZP-20287: Error code in legacy not sent to the symfony stack (cherry picked from commit ff74c66cd71082ac0c41a957ef2e8823fd314fb7)
  • EZP-20659: Server error when applying watermark in image editor
  • EZP-20696: REST v2: Not possible to create content with an ezbinaryfile
  • EZP-20722: eZRest v2: Default values for FieldSettings not set when creating contenttypes
  • EZP-20724: Error when creating a content without filling an ezdatetime field
  • EZP-20743: SQL syntax error in EzcDatabase\removePolicyLimitations() with PostgreSQL
  • EZP-20747: unAssignUserFromUserGroup should throw BadState when 1 group left
  • EZP-20748: Setup wizard uses the default VarDir to create files from packages
  • EZP-20750: SQL syntax errors in EzcDatabase Content Gateway with PostgreSQL
  • EZP-20755: Names are supposed to have a default limit of 150 characters
  • EZP-20757: %secret% key should be generated at install/update
  • EZP-20759: eznode_assignment table not cleaned between tests
  • EZP-20762: SQL syntax errors in Legacy Gateway of XmlTextStorage with PostgreSQL
  • EZP-20764: PostgreSQL fails when out-of-range values are used in integer context
  • EZP-20767: PostgreSQL fails with binary 'and' operator's result used as a boolean value
  • EZP-20768: Searching with API using a Field criterion leads to a fatal error
  • EZP-20769: hardcoded path to image variants in REST
  • EZP-20770: Using "like" operator in Field criterion throws an exception
  • EZP-20785: only validate CSRF token when a session is running
  • EZP-20791: PHP Fatal error: Method eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\XmlText\Value::__toString() must return a string value
  • EZP-20817: Link generation with UrlAliasRouter not working correctly with multisite configuration
  • EZP-20844: Anonymous group needs to have access to section/view policy
  • EZP-20859: Twig exception trying to generate path to legacy module with no views
  • EZP-20867: Error when creating Image fieldtype without validator configuration


eZ Publish Kernel & APIs
  • EZP-20821: Make it possible to configure the front controller without editing it
  • EZP-20841: Provide a router script to use with PHP 5.4 built-in server

eZ Publish Legacy Stack (LS)
  • EZP-20851: Setup Travis tests to also test prostgres for ezpublish-kernel/legacy

Pull requests

eZ Publish Kernel & APIs
  • 28: from alafon/install-procedure
  • 46: from ezsystems/composer.json-redux
  • 47: from ezsystems/ezp_19971
  • 48: from pspanja/fix-EZP-20684
  • 51: from patrickallaert/EZP-20821
  • 52: from ezsystems/ezrouter
  • 54: from patrickallaert/RemoveExceptionForSetupDetection
  • 56: from pedroresende/EZP20877
  • 57: from ezsystems/update_deps_assetic_stable

eZ Publish Legacy Stack (LS)
  • 574: from ezsystems/ezsetupRedirectIssue
  • 606: from patrickallaert/EZP-20630
  • 607: from patrickallaert/EZP-20718
  • 608: from ezsystems/ezp-20287_http_error_code
  • 610: from pedroresende/EZP-19608
  • 611: from patrickallaert/EZP-20699
  • 619: from nfrp/broken_links_to_ezno
  • 622: from pspanja/fix-EZP-20673-upgrade-db-check
  • 627: from MLoureiro/master
  • 628: from patrickallaert/EZP-18195
  • 629: from patrickallaert/timezone
  • 630: from ezsystems/chdirfix
  • 632: from patrickallaert/EZP-18195
  • 633: from patrickallaert/EZP-20851
  • 634: from harmstyler/patch-3
  • 635: from patrickallaert/RemovedUnusedVariable
  • 636: from patrickallaert/EZP-20145

eZ Publish 5
  • 271: from ezsystems/fix-EZP-20539-editor-permissions-2
  • 282: from patrickallaert/more-fine-grained-view-controller
  • 285: from ThinkCreative/location_priority_filtering
  • 292: from ezsystems/limitation_validation
  • 300: from ezsystems/fix-EZP-20684-update-user
  • 304: from patrickallaert/EZP-20743
  • 305: from ezsystems/fix-EZP-20728-move-location-reparent
  • 307: from ezsystems/fix-EZP-20719-php-intl-twig
  • 309: from patrickallaert/EZP-20750
  • 310: from patrickallaert/EZP-20755
  • 311: from patrickallaert/EZP-20759
  • 312: from patrickallaert/MissingColumnInGroupBy
  • 313: from patrickallaert/MissingBindValueTypeParameter
  • 315: from patrickallaert/MissingSequenceReset
  • 316: from patrickallaert/EZP-20762
  • 318: from patrickallaert/EZP-20764
  • 319: from patrickallaert/EZP-20767
  • 324: from ezsystems/shared_testcase_fixture
  • 325: from ezsystems/unassign_usergroup_badstate
  • 328: from ezsystems/fix-create-session-http-status
  • 329: from ezsystems/ezp_20757
  • 330: from patrickallaert/FixingUnitTestDependingOnDatabaseResultOrder
  • 333: from ezsystems/legacy_slot_memory_leak
  • 334: from ezsystems/fix-pathidentificationstring-cache-handler
  • 335: from ezsystems/fix-EZP-20754-rest-delete-ezimage
  • 336: from ezsystems/fix-EZP-20606-rest-error-message
  • 337: from patrickallaert/EZP-20791
  • 338: from patrickallaert/EZP-20722
  • 339: from krbl/master
  • 341: from ezsystems/fix-EZP-20799-ezpage-unexistent-method
  • 342: from ezsystems/fixLegacyProviders
  • 343: from ezsystems/ezp_20805
  • 345: from ezsystems/fix-EZP-20669-rest-ezpage-format
  • 346: from ezsystems/regression-EZP-20805
  • 347: from ezsystems/fixiolazyloading
  • 348: from ezsystems/ezp_20817
  • 349: from ezsystems/fix-EZP-20812-offset-exception
  • 353: from patrickallaert/timezone
  • 354: from ezsystems/fix-rest-page-hash-null
  • 355: from ezsystems/fix-create-custom-location-alias
  • 358: from ezsystems/cache_ttl_default
  • 359: from ezsystems/fix-EZP-20850-create-content-language-validation
  • 361: from fdob/patch-1
  • 362: from ezsystems/fix-EZP-20866-draft-relations
  • 363: from ezsystems/ezp_20844
  • 366: from ezsystems/fix-EZP-20848-pdo-exception-2
  • 367: from patrickallaert/SetupFactory-Legacy-improvements


eZ Publish Kernel & APIs
  • Update dependencies & change to use assetic 1.1 stable
  • Removed: usage of Exception to detect if setup wizard is to be launched
  • Fixed inline comment in ezrouter.php
  • Moved ezrouter.php to bin/
  • Revert "Fix EZP-20784: csrf_protection.field_name.value breaks ezxformtoken in AJAX calls"
  • Use REST path prefix configured in REST bundle
  • EZP-19971 - CSRF protection should be activated by default
  • EZP-2059 - Refactored composer.json

eZ Publish 5
  • EZP-20686 - Moved SiteAccess injection in UrlAliasGenerator from UrlAliasRouter to SiteAccessListener, to be always correctly injected
  • add "location priority" filtering capability
  • Changed: small refactoring of the default ViewController for easier reuse


eZ Publish 2013
Powered by eZ Publish™ CMS Open Source Web Content Management. Copyright © 1999-2014 eZ Systems AS (except where otherwise noted). All rights reserved.