eZ Publish / Releases / eZ publish 3.5 / ez-publish-3-5-8


eZ publish 3.5.8


Version Release date Requirements
3.5.8 January 18, 2006 PHP > 4.3.4
MySQL > 3.23
PostgreSQL > 7.3


Changelog 3.5.8

Changes from 3.5.7 to 3.5.8


  • Fixed bug #6394: String Contains operator return inappropriate values.
  • Fixed missing wash operators.
  • Fixed bug #7212: RSS export fails if CacheDir is absolute.
  • Fixed bug #7322: Design bugs.
  • Fixed bug #7174: Parsing back and forward with eZXML changes data.
  • Fixed bug #7333: TransportPluginPath[] - not working properly.
  • Fixed bug #7342: Anchor in ezurl view template might not have content.
  • Fixed bug #7311: Missing <?php ?> in output file from tpl operator wizard.
  • Fixed bug #7356: eZDateUtils::rfc1123Date() and eZDateUtils::rfc850Date() delivering wrong date.
  • Fixed bug #7318: Remove images from storage. ( If user delete object's versions with ezImage datatype => image files aren't removed from disk )
  • Fixed bug #7350: User Delete bug ( After removing users their last_visit times are still in the ezuservisit table )
  • Fixed bug #7341: Inconsistent object causes fatal error at cronjob workflow.
  • Fixed bug #7368: Missing check of array in kernel/common/ezwordtoimageoperator.php.
  • Fixed bug #3312: SOAP library issues.
  • Fixed bug #7363: content/search: $searchText not set.
  • Fixed bug #6703: Security issue with error templates on admin interface.
  • Fixed bug #7110: Not all text is translatable in admin.
  • Fixed bug: XML parser crashes when 'CDATA' section is not properly closed.
  • Fixed bug #7374: eZHTTPTool::sendHTTPRequest() loops infinitely. ( Applyed patch by Brian Gerspacher )
  • Fixed bug #7377: eZMultiplexer crashing.
  • Fixed bug #7407: Problem with " aganist ' in file ezimagealiashandler.php.
  • Fixed bug #7382: verifyfiles.sh issue with path.
  • Added possibility to add custom attributes to body in SOAP requests.
  • Fixed bug #7395: Bug Template optimisation errors.
  • Fixed bug #7331: Debug ip list does not save in ini settings.
  • Fixed bug #7353: Unwanted 'p' tags added in XML text.
  • Fixed bug #7423: SOAP interface doesn't initialize internal charset.
  • Fixed bug #7386: Error in advancedsearch.tpl.
  • Fixed bug #7426: 2x editing when restoring something from the trash.
  • Fixed bug: Incorrect processing quote, double quote and backslash signs inside href in XML input.
  • Fixed bug: SQL error when occuring when running subtree notification cronjob.
  • Fixed bug #7454: SQL error when removing a location without checking any nodes.
  • Fixed bug #7456: setYear, setMonth, setDay methods in class eZdate (lib/classes) not working.
  • Fixed bug #7459: Passing empty "SearchContentClassID" input to search page results in Apache segmentation fault.
  • Fixed bug #7451: Approval event and sections.
  • Fixed bug #7418: eZCollaborationItemStatus::fetch doesn't return anything if item is not in cache.
  • Fixed bug #7443: Ask to confirm "remove all".
  • Fixed bug #7455: Client requests with arrays deliver false data.
  • Fixed bug #7463: Images are not shown after adding translations.
  • Fixed bug #7391: Incorrect parameter in eZCollaborationItem::participantList.
  • Fixed bug #7479: Fatal error with {$attribute.object.main_parent_node_id}.
  • Fixed bug #7338: Disfunction using "PDF export" utility in admin interface.
  • Fixed bug #7425: classattributeidentifiers cache file is not deleted when clearing all caches.
  • Fixed bug #7429: Rss 2.0 export fail on validation.
  • Fixed bug #7510: Incorrect HTTP locale code returned from eZLocale::httpLocaleCode().
  • Fixed bug #7503: Hardwired "no" language on print_pagelayout.
  • Fixed bug #7496: LDAP & textfile login handlers don't update last visit.
  • Fixed bug #7516: Bug Unwanted debug output in createExtendedAttributeFilterSQLStrings.
  • Fixed bug #7529: Post to url convertion does not work for arrays.
  • Fixed bug #5358: PDF: No images in tables.
  • Fixed bug #7523: Thumbnail for browsing.
  • Fixed bug #7528: Change password to "password".
  • Fixed bug #7493: Whitespace is added in the beggining of the 'link' tag.
  • Fixed bug #7545: Bug CS: unwanted print output.
  • Fixed bug #7467: WebDAV: Uploading 0 byte large files fails.
  • Fixed bug #7560: ezuser object is not published after storing the draft.
  • Fixed bug #7559: It is impossible to remove image from RSS export.
  • Fixed bug #7563: Template compiler inconsistency... ( tpl operator remove() works incorrectly ).
  • Fixed bug #7475: Unnecessary log output.
  • Fixed bug #7585: Transaction error when assigning section to node that is not main node.
  • Fixed bug #7574: Added ezi18n in user/edit path.
  • Fixed bug #7549: URLs are never removed from ezurl table?
  • Fixed bug #7597: Back / Cancel button missing in version view.
  • Fixed bug #7600: Issue with links.
  • Fixed bug #7603: 'Login' tool doesnt work correctly.
  • Fixed bug #6330: Calendar dates mixed up.
  • Fixed bug #7608: Calendar - fetch( content, calendar - does not work correctly.
  • Fixed bug #7445: RSS Feed bugs.
  • Fixed bug #7609: Dysfunctional behavior for preview of content.
  • Fixed bug #6199: TemplateOptimization causes problems.
  • Fixed bug #7627: Contains operator may produce PHP warning.
  • Fixed bug #5771: PostgreSQL - empty ezurl.
  • Fixed bug #6103: RSS 1.0 + 2.0 feeds are not valid.
  • Fixed bug #7632: Status condition twice in eZContentObjectVersion::fetchUserDraft.
  • Fixed bug #7613: AdditionalSiteDesignList - sequence. ( Applyed patch by Bruce Morrison )
  • Fixed bug #7647: "Mandatory" for Keyword Attribute not enforced.
  • Fixed bug #7075: Untranslated string in line/forum_reply.tpl
  • Fixed bug #5647: Call to undefined function: storedata().
  • Fixed bug #7629: Removing users leave some spurious user data in objects.
  • Fixed bug #7335: Fix typo in stylesheets.
  • Fixed bug #7661: Inconsistency in eZContentObject::purge().
  • Fixed bug #7664: Fatal error when an attribute of type ezbinaryfile is in naming pattern but has no content.
  • Fixed bug #7618: eZ Publish can't be migrated from a 32bit to a 64bit architecture.

INI Settings

  • Added notification.ini:[RuleSettings].LimitDeleteElements setting: Maximum number of notification digest elements removed in one query. This is needed to prevent exceeding DBMS limits (maximum query length, maximum number of elements in IN() clause).
  • Added site.ini:[SiteSettings].64bitCompatibilityMode setting: Affects some php's functions like crc32.