eZ Publish / Releases / eZ publish 3.8 / ez-publish-3-8-0


eZ publish 3.8.0


Version Release date Requirements
3.8.0 May 2, 2006 PHP > 4.4
MySQL > 3.23
PostgreSQL > 7.3


Changelog 3.6.x/3.7.x to 3.8.0

Changes from 3.6.0 to 3.8.0


  • Added method eZContentObject::clearCache() that can be used to clear all in-memory caches [for a given object].
  • Added user groups options to approval workflow.
  • Added support for error_type and error_number override keys for the error module.
  • Added SSL zones functionality.
  • Added functionality to ezsoapclient for SSL. (see doc/features/3.8/ssl_enhancement_with_ezsoapclient.txt for detail)
  • Added support for 'data_map' attribute to information collection objects. (Submitted by: Paul Forsyth and Vittal Aithal)
  • Added support for 'content' and 'has_content' attributes to information collection attribute objects. (Submitted by: Paul Forsyth and Vittal Aithal)
  • Added experimental support for placing siteaccess specific settings in extensions.
  • Added support for binding to LDAP server with a username and password.
  • Added support for 'option sets' when purchasing products with options. (See shop_option_sets.txt for more details) (Submitted by: Katana)
  • Added support for removing the default siteaccess from the generated URIs. Controlled by a switch in site.ini.
  • Added new MIME types ( XML media ) as defined in RFC3023.
  • Added functionality to set custom HTTP headers. ( See doc/features/3.8/http_header_override.txt )
  • Improved RSS import. Added support for defining RSS definitions in extensions. ( See doc/features/3.8/generic_rss_import.txt )
  • Added custom content object edit HTTP post parameter handling.
  • Fixed bug #7448: Fixed For notification digest in eznotificationevent.php, fetch function will return object now.
  • Added: New parameter to treemenuoperator: "is_selected_method" ( 'tree'(by default), 'node' ) - The whole tree down to current node will have status "is_selected"( 'tree' ) or Only current node will have status "is_selected" ( 'node' ).
  • Improved package system and site setup wizard. ( See doc/features/3.8/packages.txt )
  • Added Binaryfilehandler extension support.
  • Added Metadataparser extension support.
  • Added clustering functionality.
  • Added exchange rates update handlers support.
  • Enhanced treemenu operator with new parameters and menu values. See doc/features/3.8/enhanced_treemenu.txt for details. ( Patch by Jonny Bergkvist )
  • Improved seed for some md5 hashes.
  • Changed: Content structure menu in admin will now only show folder, forum and gallery by default. This makes the performance of the menu better for most sites and can be configured independently.
  • Added detection of conflicts in VAT charging rules.
  • Added ability to use alternative country datatypes.
  • Added ability to load cluster file handlers from an extension.
  • Added pgsql cluster file handler.


  • Added: 'last_visit' attribute to eZUser
  • Added new object attribute function "view_count" for eZContentObjectTreeNode.


  • Added serialization support to all datatypes.


  • Added ability to define custom VAT charging logic (with custom VAT handlers).
  • Implemented default VAT handler that uses VAT charging rules (adjustable from the admin. interface).
  • Added ability to define custom shipping options (with shipping handlers).
  • Added multi-currency support.


  • Improved 'shorten' operator. Now it also can trim string to specified length in the middle.
  • Added support for having eZ Publish installed in a subfolder while using virtualhost setup. Example : www.example.com/ez_publish/[eZ Publish].
  • Improved treemenuoperator as described here in enhancement report. # 6787: Enhancement treemenu operator should return more information
  • Added rand template operator. ( See doc/features/3.8/template_rand_function.txt )
  • Added new template function {debug-log} that allows calling eZDebug::writeDebug() from a template.
  • Added support for "embed-inline" tag.
  • Added a 'development' mode for the compiler. When enabled there is no need to clear the compiled templates when template code is modified. See doc/features/3.8/template_development_mode.txt for more details.
  • Added a new parameter "ignore_visibility" ("true" by default) to "reverse_related_objects_count" and "reverse_related_objects" functions. That allows fetching visible objects only or all reverse related objects.


  • Added support for "embed-inline" tag.
  • Added XSLT and DTD definition support.
  • Implementation of the new eZXML input parser. (ported from OE)
  • Rewritten and separated "simplified XML" edit field output routine.
  • Allowed to use inline tags (including custom inline tags) inside headers.
  • Added possibility to define a way of processing space characters in eZXML input. (see 'TrimSpaces' and 'AllowMultipleSpaces' settings in ezxml.ini)
  • Added possibility to allow empty paragraphs. (see 'AllowEmpty' setting in 'paragraph' section of content.ini)


  • Added: New function hasRequiredServerVersion() to make it easier to check for required version and type.
  • Added: Method eZDBInterface::generateUniqueTempTableName() that generates unique temporary table name.
  • Fixed bug #7106: Empty ul tag will not appear if there is no item in double top sub menu.
  • Fixed bug #3804: Searching followed by AdvancedSearch doesn't retain the search term.


  • Added support for callback functions. They allow external code to do extra cleanup when a session is expired/removed.


  • Added 2 new functions eZExtension::isExtension( $path ) and eZExtension::nameFromPath( $path )

INI settings

  • Changed: [TipAFriend].FromEmail ini setting is now empty by default. Thus, the email address specified in the tip-a-friend form is used as from address when sending the email. Assign a non-empty value to FromEmail for it to be used as from address.
  • Added notification.ini:[RuleSettings].LimitDeleteElements setting: Maximum number of notification digest elements removed in one query. This is needed to prevent exceeding DBMS limits (maximum query length, maximum number of elements in IN() clause).
  • Added site.ini:[SiteSettings].64bitCompatibilityMode setting: affects some php's functions like crc32.
  • Added in ezxml.ini:[ezxhtml].RenderParagraphInTableCells. Option for rendering [p] tag in table cell if there is only one [paragraph] tag in XML for this cell.
  • Added site.ini:[shopSettings].ClearBasketOnLogout setting: Means that the basket will (or NOT) be cleared when a user logs out.
  • Added ezxml.ini:[InputSettings].TrimSpaces setting: True value means that spaces will be stripped off in the old way and false means that all spaces remain.
  • Added ezxml.ini:[InputSettings].AllowMultipleSpaces setting: True means that space characters sequence will be replaced by one space character.
  • Added content.ini:[paragraph].AllowEmpty setting: Is this allowed to have empty paragraphs in eZXML input.


  • Added: Default for parameter path to root for eZSOAPClient.


  • Added: Classification is forwarded to content_view_gui for xmltag object and embed.
  • Added: Indication of status (enabled/disabled) for the user account in the admin interface.
  • Added: /notification directory with modified templates to /design/base.


  • Added support of Ukrainian language and koi8-u locale.
  • Added locale and translation file for hebrew ( heb-IL ) and spanish ( esl-ES ).
  • Added locale jpn-JP.
  • Added: Implementation of fallback language for QT translation files.


  • Changed makestaticcache.php script to generate cache files while running, and not all at the end.
  • Added progress bar to makestaticcache.php script.


  • Added static cache cleanups to the Smart ViewCache algorithms.
  • Fixed a bug where the static cache would not regenerate its cache when url translations where used.


  • Fixed bug #6683: node_id not set in flat_left.tpl in every context.
  • Fixed bug #6685: Error when American English selected as primary language
  • Fixed bug #6556: "403 Forbidden" when trying to access root page of a site running in non-virtualhost mode.
  • Fixed bug #6700: Database transaction failure when adding a new translation.
  • Fixed bug #6431: eZContentObjectTreeNode::removeSubtrees() causes memory exhaustion.
  • Fixed bug #5876: Two persistent_variable problems in content templates.
  • Fixed bug #6704: Generated static cache is not stored when using the cli script
  • Fixed bug #6706: Static cache is not stored when regenerating via admin interface
  • Fixed bug #6477: URL forwarding with wildcard does not work if "Redirecting URL" option is disabled.
  • Fixed bug #6459: Kickstart sendmail under Win.
  • Fixed bug #6698: Linkcheck checks url from all archived content
  • Fixed bug #6732: Content object tree is not updated after deleting a class.
  • Fixed bug #6702: Template cache-blocks are not cleared after deleting object via WEBDAV.
  • Fixed bug #6680: Anonymous user can edit data submitted by other anonymous users. (It is now allowed to edit the first version of an object by the 'create' permission, so now it is not needed to give 'edit' permission to anonymous users.)
  • Fixed bug #6744: Search fails for roles with limited assignment.
  • Fixed bug #6740: SWAP in 3.6.0 is BROKEN
  • Fixed bug #6750: node_view_gui doesn't interprete url_alias correctly.
  • Fixed bug #6738: Online Editor 3.0 not working with eZ 3.7.0Alpha1.
  • Fixed bug #6753: Cache is not cleared after deleting a role.
  • Fixed bug #6733 and bug #6737: "Date and time" and "Date" datatypes were not validated properly.
  • Fixed bug #6765: Fields are cleared on relating an object with related object attribute.
  • Fixed bug #6772: Function contentClassAttributeName of contentObjectAttribute always returns null
  • Fixed bug #6796: Draft problems when copying objects with relations.
  • Fixed bug #6823: Publishing problem with crosslinked objects.
  • Fixed bug #6838: Contentobject receives remote_id of nodeobject
  • Fixed bug #6852: Default values for template fetch operator does not work in compiled mode.
  • Fixed bug #6854: Use of 'proxy' objects in template expressions fails with compilation enabled.
  • Fixed bug #6856: Wrong namespaces set when including another template.
  • Fixed bug #6845: Added check for object's if it exists.
  • Fixed bug #6847: Added missing lines [?php and ?] at start and end of file.
  • Fixed bug #6887: Match[url_alias] override does not work correctly when template compile enabled..
  • Fixed bug #5603: RelatedObject Keyword function name misleading..
  • Fixed bug #6900: Creator and modifier display detail in the admin intarface is corrected.
  • Fixed bug #6895: Incorrect test in advanced search.
  • Fixed bug #6884: Wrong customer name in order details..
  • Fixed bug #6757: eZMail does not set the required Date header..
  • Fixed bug #5766: Typo in shop/module.php.
  • Fixed bug #6814: The drafts of top level nodes can't be removed..
  • Fixed bug #6864: Fixed module_params() operator to work in templates other than pagelayout.
  • Fixed bug #6908: Object name pattern problems..
  • Fixed bug #6911bug #6913: The calendar tool doesn't work with class limitation. Wrong links are generated in the Calendar..
  • Fixed bug #6862: The content-tree will displayed proper subtree while deleting a user or content object.
  • Fixed bug #6914: The Calendar tool: the class selection is not saved sometimes.
  • Fixed bug #6862: As it will also work properly whild deleting content object from left menu using mouse click.
  • Fixed bug #6904: No database release or version returned by eZPublishSDK.
  • Fixed bug #6903: FetchVersionList and fetchVersionCount can lead to a "Fatal Error".
  • Fixed bug #6923bug #6924: The selected object is not displayed. Current settings are not saved when you press Cancel in Subtree.
  • Fixed bug #6922: Typo in customerorderview.tpl.
  • Fixed bug #6841: Permissions of embeded objects are ignored. Embeded objects which current user does not have read access to will now use the template ; design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/object_denied.tpl To enable old behaviour, override this template to : content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/object.tpl.
  • Fixed bug #6925: An SQL error message is shown when a user views customer's order.
  • Fixed bug #6921: Versionview from trash is broken
  • Fixed bug #6736: Price datatype does not show validation error on incorrect input.
  • Fixed bug #6929: eZ Publish 3.7.0 rc1 installation still has the PHP 4.4 reference problem.
  • Fixed bug #4113: Problem with url_alias in link check.
  • Fixed bug #6906: wrong br tag in ezselection datatype template after last item.
  • Fixed bug #6804: Role limitation assignment is not part of viewcache hash key
  • Fixed bug #6825: Debug toolbar and ini file problems.
  • Fixed bug #6948: Possible namespace problem.
  • Fixed bug #6905: Remove "Guest account", register user --] fatal error.
  • Fixed bug #6141: Node in tree menu is not marked stadning if the current node doesn't exists in the node tree.
  • Fixed bug #6945: While removing workflow, remove entry from eztrigger table also if it exist there.
  • Fixed bug #6954: Bug adding a translation to global settings. Made ezinisetting datatype non translatable.
  • Fixed bug #6962bug #6963: Latest Tool bar needs user sensitive cache block. Menus should be wrapped in user sensitive cache blocks
  • Fixed bug #6822: The review section gives two stars to "Very Poor".
  • Fixed bug #6990: first_set() template operator handles 0 as "unset".
  • Fixed bug #6299: File full view override is missing closing div.
  • Fixed bug #7002: translation_allowed property for datatype constractor is ignored by translation system.
  • Fixed bug #6995: Sql error at keyword insert, keywords are not escaped.
  • Fixed bug #6749: ezmedia datatype will not create unnecessary row in ezmedia table if media file is not uploaded also has_content will get proper boolean true if file is uploaded and false if the file is not uploaded.
  • Fixed bug #7007: Upgrade to 3.6 causes: Undefined property: value in .../ezimagealiashandler.php on line 825.
  • Fixed bug #7004: Text in the content tree doesn't obey when you shut off URL transation.
  • Fixed bug #7003: $mail-]setContentType() - ignored.
  • Fixed bug #7015: ezlupdate fails at register.tpl.
  • Fixed bug #6150: Updating class in "Wait untill date" publishing causes selected class to go to first.
  • Fixed bug #7025: Problem with Underscore in siteaccess.
  • Fixed bug #6263: Datatype: Object relation list - setting objects to the same order number.
  • Fixed bug #7017: eZMatrix datatype handler stores data in bad encoding.
  • Fixed bug #7030: Disabled translation does not work with attribute url.
  • Fixed bug #7056: Naming inconsistency in RAD-generated datatype code
  • Fixed bug #7057: Constant wrongly defined in RAD-generated datatype code
  • Fixed bug #7044: Problem using [header] within [table] tag.
  • Fixed bug #7052: Wrong default role permissions for forum user.
  • Fixed bug #6940: Some error appears during the browse Source node in the PDF export.
  • Fixed bug #6611: Grammatical error.
  • Fixed bug #7054: Problems attaching an image object to an article.
  • Fixed bug #6989: WebDAV won't store utf-8 text as unicode when calling to an upload handler.
  • Fixed bug #5531: Undefined property / ezimagealiashandler.
  • Fixed bug #7082: Add location.
  • Fixed bug #6042: Paragraph tags included in unordered list..
  • Fixed bug #7076: Removing an element in ezenum doesn't work.
  • Fixed bug #5800: ezwebdav: rename (MOVE) doesn't work.
  • Fixed bug #7081: User activation key is not deleted.
  • Fixed bug #4565: Database connection warnings.
  • Fixed bug #7053: Invalid "Critical Test" during installation.
  • Fixed bug #7098: Change password not backs to proper uri.
  • Fixed bug #6882: lib/ezwebdav/classes/ezwebdavfileserver.php will not iterate directories.
  • Fixed bug #6355: Read perms not honoured for notifications.
  • Fixed bug #7099: Role cache not invalidated when editing role assignments.
  • Fixed bug #5905: webdav doesn't work properly with non-latin letters.
  • Fixed bug #6075: Bogus setup wizard behavior.
  • Fixed bug #6896: WebDAV returns incorrect href elements. (Applyed patch by Vittal Aithal).
  • Fixed bug #7091: Sorting for children in edit view is upside-down.
  • Fixed bug #6421: webdav always enabled.
  • Fixed bug #7062: Mysql info from finetune.
  • Fixed bug #6293: The dashes in mysql update files causes phpMyAdmin to choke.
  • Fixed bug #6113: Right toolbar isn't working as expected.
  • Fixed bug #7079: Fatal error on image.
  • Fixed bug #7009: Quicktime Template/Safari/Firefox (mac).
  • Fixed bug #7008: Flash Movies and Macintosh Safari/Firefox.
  • Fixed bug #5984: Security: no check for image upload.
  • Fixed bug #7108: Shop: After checkout access denied.
  • Fixed bug #7117: Strange menu bug at editing content.
  • Fixed bug #6220: Typo in admin module/template
  • Fixed bug #6828: Not possible to upload image after adding translation.
  • Fixed bug #7041: Admin setup/extensions view does not give accurate list.
  • Fixed bug #7126: Required option for URL attribute is not working.
  • Fixed bug #7127: Edit approve workflow event with thousands of users.
  • Fixed bug #6763: Caches are not cleared when moving a node via WebDAV.
  • Fixed bug #6820: Moving content with WebDAV result placement problems.
  • Fixed bug #7133: Script updatecontentobjectname.php has wrong description.
  • Fixed bug #6127: Check database.
  • Fixed bug #6178: Extracting email address in eZMail.
  • Fixed bug #7143: Bug Invalid HTML generated by kernel/common/eztemplatesstatisticsreporter.php
  • Fixed bug #7141: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: ezrssexsportitem.
  • Fixed bug #6135: Loginhandler issues + WebDAV example.
  • Fixed bug #7144: Too much [paragraph] tags in RSS import.
  • Fixed bug #7135: Too many sections in XML text.
  • Fixed bug #7139: bug in kernel/content/upload.php
  • Fixed bug #6524: Irrelevant function in ezgeneraldigesthandler.php
  • Fixed bug #7147: Typo of ini value GatewaysSettings/GatewaysDerictories.
  • Fixed bug #7157: eZ Publish removes [p] tag when is only one in xml block.
  • Fixed bug #7158: Reference issues.
  • Fixed bug #7107: Webdav doesn't display objects that contains a name with "&"
  • Fixed bug #7159: Attributes lost when copying a content class.
  • Fixed bug #6338: Fetches in ezcontentclass do not support asObject = false.
  • Fixed bug #2044: Strange behaviour of ezurl / using pathprefix.
  • Fixed bug #7109: Webdav doesn't take PathPrefix into account.
  • Fixed bug #7163: Search problems when using subtree limitations (policy).
  • Fixed bug #7161: Missing language flag.
  • Fixed bug #7165: CRLF in templateedit.tpl and others.
  • Fixed bug #7167: setup kickstart.ini miss some data.
  • Fixed bug #7155: error and fix in ezobjectrelationlist.tpl
  • Fixed bug #7175: Removal of object and objectrelation (and objectrelationlist).
  • Fixed bug #7168: Some more (reference errors ?) when debug is ON.
  • Fixed bug #7166: %1% get replaced in template.
  • Fixed bug #7190: ezxhtmlxmloutput.php Fatal error: Undefined class name 'eztemplateincludefunction'.
  • Fixed bug #7063: When enabled TextTranslation server hangs.
  • Fixed bug #7192: Extension activation in the GUI doesnt work.
  • Fixed bug #7199: Possible error in eZPersistentObject::updateObjectList -unable to unset fields with defaults
  • Fixed bug #7194: Multiple "Event / Approve" events in a workflow stop users from being added.
  • Fixed bug #7204: Setting for login handler extensions has wrong name in site.ini
  • Fixed bug #7203: Sections: checkboxes to assign multiple nodes
  • Fixed bug #7208: ezsoapserver.php: Fix for call to non-object error.
  • Fixed bug #7207: ezsoapclient.php: Extend if scope to avoid warnings.
  • Fixed bug #7213: Email validation fails with [email protected].
  • Fixed bug #7205: mimetype_icon returns to many / in url.
  • Fixed bug #7228: Wrong check for the count of an array in policyedit.php.
  • Fixed bug #7215: Translation Error when cleaning the cache.
  • Fixed bug #7169: crash while publishing an image.
  • Fixed bug #7227: swap node between content and media produces strange behaviour.
  • Fixed bug #7170: advancedsearch with multiple attributes fails to return results.
  • Fixed bug #6978: Postgresql update scripts errors.
  • Fixed bug #7235: Class group renaming not shown.
  • Fixed bug #7224: ezurl operator bug.
  • Fixed bug #7242: Parent_nodes of user empty.
  • Fixed bug #7129: "Manage versions" button disabled in some pages of the admin interface.
  • Fixed bug #7233: Template errors in collaboration/view/summary.
  • Fixed bug #7037bug #7185: Registered user does not receive registration mail. Blank User account when registerung without Cookies.
  • Fixed bug #7260: Bug Shop sends no confirmation mails (sendOrderEmails not called).
  • Fixed bug #7257: Problems with user-]selfedit permission ( Edit button is disabled in admin ).
  • Fixed bug #6191: Image variant returns empty image tag.
  • Fixed bug #7016: Underscore acts as space in search. Note: Search index update should be done when run on live site. To update existing search indexes you should execute update/common/scripts/updatesearchindex.php. Searching will continue to work even if you do not update, then only new content will be indexed to get search results in desired way.
  • Fixed bug #7223: wrong customer list in webshop.
  • Fixed bug #7278: Bug reference notice.
  • Fixed bug #7274: Max file size for image objects is ignored for related objects.
  • Fixed bug #7282: Bug Cache isn't recreated after changing user status.
  • Fixed bug #7264: Possible missing key in eZTSTranslator.
  • Fixed bug #7220: Event/Approve - User who approves content.
  • Fixed bug #7288: Preview functionality not showing correct flags.
  • Fixed bug #7289: Wrong URL's created by eZTemplatesStatisticsReporter with reverse proxy setup.
  • Fixed bug #6316: Improve email logic & validation in tip-a-friend.
  • Fixed bug #7253: CSS issue in /shop/orderlist.
  • Fixed bug #7299: Bug Shop order descriptions: strange behavior.
  • Fixed bug #7301: Bug Double discard gives fatal error.
  • Fixed bug #7256: subtreeSoleNodeCount - RIGHT JOIN terribly slow with a lot of nodes.
  • Fixed bug #7306: Typo in ezsearchengine.php prevents it from working correctly.
  • Fixed bug #7221: Wrong redirection array in eZUserLoginHandler.
  • Fixed bug #7198: Bug RSS import truncates destination path.
  • Fixed bug #6394: String Contains operator return inappropriate values.
  • Fixed bug #7212: RSS export fails if CacheDir is absolute.
  • Fixed bug #7322: Design bugs.
  • Fixed bug #7327: CSS issues in admin/templates/content/reverserelatedlist.tpl ( Applyed patch by Serwatka )
  • Fixed bug #7329: Bug fatal error on 3.7.1 install.
  • Fixed bug #7333: TransportPluginPath[] - not working properly
  • Fixed bug #7342: Anchor in ezurl view template might not have content.
  • Fixed bug #7346: Quotes in an url in an eZURL attribute cause fatal error.
  • Fixed bug #7311: Missing [?php ?] in output file from tpl operator wizard.
  • Fixed bug #7356: eZDateUtils::rfc1123Date() and eZDateUtils::rfc850Date() delivering wrong date.
  • Fixed bug #7318: Remove images from storage. ( If user delete object's versions with ezImage datatype =] image files aren't removed from disk )
  • Fixed bug #7350: User Delete bug ( After removing users their last_visit times are still in the ezuservisit table )
  • Fixed bug #7341: Inconsistent object causes fatal error at cronjob workflow.
  • Fixed bug #7297: Problem with node_view_gui when use 'if'.
  • Fixed bug #7368: Missing check of array in kernel/common/ezwordtoimageoperator.php.
  • Fixed bug #3312: SOAP library issues.
  • Fixed bug #7324: Admin UI: List Of Information Collections Has No UI To Browse Beyond First 50.
  • Fixed bug #7363: content/search: $searchText not set.
  • Fixed bug #6703: Security issue with error templates on admin interface.
  • Fixed bug #7110: Not all text is translatable in admin.
  • Fixed bug #7374: eZHTTPTool::sendHTTPRequest() loops infinitely. ( Applyed patch by Brian Gerspacher ).
  • Fixed bug #7377: eZMultiplexer crashing.
  • Fixed bug #7337: Incorrect nesting of tags (link & custom) in XML fields.
  • Fixed bug #7399: Bug XML Output handler issue.
  • Fixed bug #7407: Problem with " aganist ' in file ezimagealiashandler.php.
  • Fixed bug #7382: verifyfiles.sh issue with path.
  • Fixed bug #7018: Empty 'id' attribute in 'embed' XML tag's template.
  • Fixed bug #7395: Bug Template optimisation errors.
  • Fixed bug #7413: Fatal error when publishing "global settings".
  • Fixed bug #7331: Debug ip list does not save in ini settings.
  • Fixed bug #7353: Unwanted [p] tags added in XML text.
  • Fixed bug #7423: SOAP interface doesn't initialize internal charset.
  • Fixed bug #7386: Error in advancedsearch.tpl.
  • Fixed bug #7426: 2x editing when restoring something from the trash.
  • Fixed bug #7174: Parsing back and forward with eZXML changes data.
  • Fixed bug #7430: ezsimplifiedxmlinput.php link title bug.
  • Fixed bug #7441: Hardcoded item for anonymous access list in eZUser::checkUser.
  • Fixed bug #7454: SQL error when removing a location without checking any nodes.
  • Fixed bug #7456: setYear, setMonth, setDay methods in class eZdate (lib/classes) not working.
  • Fixed bug #7459: Passing empty "SearchContentClassID" input to search page results in Apache segmentation fault.
  • Fixed bug #7451: Approval event and sections.
  • Fixed bug #7443: Ask to confirm "remove all"
  • Fixed bug #7455: Client requests with arrays deliver false data.
  • Fixed bug #7463: Images are not shown after adding translations.
  • Fixed bug #7479: Fatal error with {$attribute.object.main_parent_node_id}.
  • Fixed bug #7391: Incorrect parameter in eZCollaborationItem::participantList.
  • Fixed bug #7338: Disfunction using "PDF export" utility in admin interface.
  • Fixed bug #7425: classattributeidentifiers cache file is not deleted when clearing all caches.
  • Fixed bug #7429: Rss 2.0 export fail on validation.
  • Fixed bug #7510: Incorrect HTTP locale code returned from eZLocale::httpLocaleCode().
  • Fixed bug #7503: Hardwired "no" language on print_pagelayout.
  • Fixed bug #7496: LDAP & textfile login handlers don't update last visit.
  • Fixed bug #7357: Sintax error in eZContentObject::addContentObjectRelation query.
  • Fixed bug #5358: PDF: No images in tables.
  • Fixed bug #7529: Post to url convertion does not work for arrays.
  • Fixed bug #7523: Thumbnail for browsing.
  • Fixed bug #7528: Change password to "password".
  • Fixed bug #7493: Whitespace is added in the beggining of the 'link' tag.
  • Fixed bug #7467: WebDAV: Uploading 0 byte large files fails.
  • Fixed bug #7545: Bug CS: unwanted print output.
  • Fixed bug #7560: ezuser object is not published after storing the draft.
  • Fixed bug #7559: It is impossible to remove image from RSS export.
  • Fixed bug #7563: Template compiler inconsistency... ( tpl operator remove() works incorrectly ).
  • Fixed bug #7475: Unnecessary log output.
  • Fixed bug #7585: Transaction error when assigning section to node that is not main node.
  • Fixed bug #7574: Added ezi18n in user/edit path.
  • Fixed bug #7549: URLs are never removed from ezurl table?
  • Fixed bug #7568: Using anchor_name on external link in XML fields fails rev. 14415
  • Fixed bug #7597: Back / Cancel button missing in version view.
  • Fixed bug #7600: Issue with links.
  • Fixed bug #7606: Attribute template operator cause infinite loop.
  • Fixed bug #7516: Bug Unwanted debug output in createExtendedAttributeFilterSQLStrings.
  • Fixed bug #7603: 'Login' tool doesnt work correctly.
  • Fixed bug #7612: Crash when empty eznode with anchor provided in "href" attribute.
  • Fixed bug #6330: Calendar dates mixed up.
  • Fixed bug #7608: Calendar - fetch( content, calendar - does not work correctly.
  • Fixed bug #7445: RSS Feed bugs.
  • Fixed bug #7609: Dysfunctional behavior for preview of content.
  • Fixed bug #7622: EZSOAP: Server response with arrays deliver false data.
  • Fixed bug #6199: TemplateOptimization causes problems.
  • Fixed bug #7627: Contains operator may produce PHP warning.
  • Fixed bug #5771: PostgreSQL - empty ezurl.
  • Fixed bug #6103: RSS 1.0 + 2.0 feeds are not valid.
  • Fixed bug #7632: Status condition twice in eZContentObjectVersion::fetchUserDraft.
  • Fixed bug #7613: AdditionalSiteDesignList - sequence. ( Applyed patch by Bruce Morrison )
  • Fixed bug #7647: "Mandatory" for Keyword Attribute not enforced.
  • Fixed bug #7075: Untranslated string in line/forum_reply.tpl
  • Fixed bug #5647: Call to undefined function: storedata().
  • Fixed bug #7629: Removing users leave some spurious user data in objects.
  • Fixed bug #7335: Fix typo in stylesheets.
  • Fixed bug #7661: Inconsistency in eZContentObject::purge().
  • Fixed bug #7678: Wrong variable name in eZCollaborationItemStatus::fetch().
  • Fixed bug #7690: Webdav NamePattern [original_filename] saves path.
  • Fixed bug #7615: Bug Specific override does not work with Match[class_identifier].
  • Fixed bug #7664: Fatal error when an attribute of type ezbinaryfile is in naming pattern but has no content.
  • Fixed bug #7618: eZ Publish can't be migrated from a 32bit to a 64bit architecture.
  • Fixed bug #7675: Bug /content/action without POST-data renders blank page.
  • Fixed bug #6898: Redirect after login loses POST variables.
  • Fixed bug #7715: Missing conditional processing in standard table.tpl.
  • Fixed bug #7722: Template operator gettime() gives wrong weekday.
  • Fixed bug #7719: key problem in foreach when using TemplateCompile.
  • Fixed bug #7730: PHP Error When Changing Look and Feel in Admin site.
  • Fixed bug #7736: Nesting level too deep.
  • Fixed bug #7461: Function loginUser of each login handler gets called with empty login and password.
  • Fixed bug #6428: Wrong css in debug output.
  • Fixed bug #7747: "literal" tag with wrong end tag is a cause of the fatal error.
  • Fixed bug #7733: Treemenu - wrong values of "is_selected".
  • Fixed bug #7758: Using siteaccess matching on both host and uri will create inconsistant cache.
  • Fixed bug #6748: design/standard/content/edit_placement.tpl is broken.
  • Fixed bug #7732: Strange image link rendering bug in xml attribute.
  • Fixed bug #7759: Template divide by 0 create PHP warning.
  • Fixed bug #7791: Missing method exists check in eZPersistent object.
  • Fixed bug #7782: The setup wizard is broken.
  • Fixed bug #7775: Cannot set 'is_loop' attribute on flash movie (and other issues in ezmedia.tpl).
  • Fixed bug #7768: Fatal error copying objects with eZObjectRelationList attributes.
  • Fixed bug #7794: Impossible to add AvailableOperations trigger in extensions.
  • Fixed bug #7761: class.ingroup_list does not return, or return wrong group_name for user and user group.
  • Fixed bug #7800: Selection-datatype, translation off works incorrectly.
  • Fixed bug #7540: Packages - Remove only one at a time, when more selected
  • Fixed bug #7225: Invalid HTML in standard template to TH element.
  • Fixed bug #7754: currency setting wrong for eng-GB.
  • Fixed bug #7729: Translation error in admin interface - change password.
  • Fixed bug #7726: setup: fatal error at pressing back button
  • Fixed bug #7766: notices in 3.7.3 installation wizard.
  • Fixed bug #7811: Warnings in ezxhtmlxmloutput handler.
  • Fixed bug #7844: Static cache not generated by RSS import.
  • Fixed bug #7835: Incorrect handling of Exif data.
  • Fixed bug #7815: ezxml parsing: paragraphs and text in tables.
  • Fixed bug #7834: Bug wrong meta tag after edit.
  • Fixed bug #7846: Datatype file from wizard with syntax and code error.
  • Fixed bug #7849: Hide cronjob hides hidden nodes.
  • Fixed bug #7847: content/translations fails on fresh DB installation.
  • Fixed bug #7854: Flash Datatype: Changed size isn't saved. #7775: Cannot set 'is_loop' attribute on flash movie.
  • Fixed bug #7861: php warnings with AllowEmptySearch and advanced search.
  • Fixed bug #7877: Some small bugs in ezsubtreecopy.php.
  • Fixed bug #7879: ezsubtreecopy does not really copy binaryfiles.
  • Fixed bug #7351: 'no input file" error when using FCGI.
  • Fixed bug #7836: Sign up forgot some values and sometimes act as login.
  • Fixed bug #7686: It is impossible to assign user from custom user class to approve workflow.
  • Fixed bug #7668: hyphen isn't allowed at site access name. ( User path and Admin path should only contain [a-zA-Z0-9_]).
  • Fixed bug #7900: Typo: 'Uknown error' in kernel/classes/ezcontentobject.php.
  • Fixed bug #7795: information collector uses mysql 3.23 incompatible sql.
  • Fixed bug #7915: standard date/time templates don't respect the locale settings.
  • Fixed bug #7935: Multiple selection datatype ignores mandatory flag.
  • Fixed bug #7925: Forgot password mail has a quoted URL.
  • Fixed bug #7929: Users can remove subtree notifications rules from others.
  • Fixed bug #7908: /shop/statistics error in Norwegian translation.
  • Fixed bug #7954: Match[section] does not work with /node/view/pdf.tpl and /content/pdf/[node_id].
  • Fixed bug #7939: Empty date as object name pattern for a class -] Thursday 01 January 1970
  • Fixed bug #7958: The removed class isn't disappeared from list of availabled classes in the content structure.
  • Fixed bug #7956: Wishlist is called "basket".
  • Fixed bug #7975: Assigning a role with limitation on section is not working correctly.
  • Fixed bug #7980: Installation wizard fails to accept correct hosts with host-based siteaccess.
  • Fixed bug #7993: Links disappear when unserialzing ezxml.
  • Fixed bug #6642: Invalid xml key name in package.xml.
  • Fixed bug #7856: Setup assumes ImageMagick by default, even if ImageGD is avaiable/installed.
  • Fixed bug #7967: Warning in debug output after running file consistency check.
  • Fixed bug #6056: Duplicate entries in collectedinfo output.
  • Fixed bug #7927: fatal error when CURL missing.
  • Fixed bug #7349: Version administration - "copy and edit" published results in error
  • Fixed bug #8032: Transaction auto-commit does not occur on redirects.
  • Fixed bug #8027: Fatal error: ezimagealiashandler.php
  • Fixed bug #8028: Bug Extra [br /] tag while using linebreaks with paragraph.
  • Fixed bug #8026: Multiple MAX_FILE_SIZE [input] tags.
  • Fixed bug #7949: Shop wishlist is broken.
  • Fixed bug #8066: Adding new locations craches.
  • Fixed bug #7921: user/setting doesn't set a path.
  • Fixed bug #7832: No conditions with "like" in function eZPersistentObject::conditionTextByRow.
  • Fixed bug #8087: Sorting of classes in policy function limitation lists.
  • Fixed bug #8090: Admin Interface Copyright Line Needs To Be Updated For 2006.
  • Fixed bug #8002: Hidden nodes are shown when fetching reverse_related_objects.
  • Fixed bug #8015: Clear basket when user logs out.
  • Fixed bug #8078: Fatal error after click on "Cancel" button in Global settings.
  • Fixed bug #6970: Bug Impossible to pass parameters to PDF template.
  • Fixed bug #8095: shorten operator doesn't return proper results with parameter middle.
  • Fixed bug #6665: updateviewcount.php bug.
  • Fixed bug #7753: flatten.php missing in ez.
  • Fixed bug #8124: Object name "L'azienda" causes query error.
  • Fixed bug #8121: Possible wrong navigation menu used when deleting objects.
  • Fixed bug #8100: Sorting of classes in Multiplexer Event selection list.
  • Fixed bug #8130: Error nesting "ul" XML tags.
  • Fixed bug #7602: Upload media files with automatic location doesn't work correctly.
  • Fixed bug #8079: Undefined post variable: SelectedNodeIDArray.
  • Fixed bug #8099: Backslash escaping.
  • Fixed bug #8000, #7711: Whitespaces between adjacent xml tags incorrectly removed.
  • Fixed bug #8111: XML tags not allowed between custom tags.
  • Fixed bug #8031: No empty lines/paragraphs possible.
  • Fixed bug #8102: {include} parameters don't respect bounds.
  • Fixed bug #8131: Invisible nodes in ezsearch.
  • Fixed bug #8138: Errors in ezobjectrelationlist standard template.
  • Fixed bug #7941: Warnings about invalid class identifiers with default plain install.
  • Fixed bug #8102: {include} parameters don't respect bounds, when tpl compilation is enabled.
  • Fixed bug #8147: RenderParagraphInTableCells setting is not working.
  • Fixed bug #7462: The setting LoginPage under the group SiteSettings is used for two totally different things.
  • Fixed bug #8146: Wrong url information in setup.
  • Fixed bug #7873: Wrong name for template ezprize.tpl
  • Fixed bug #8140: Unable to get custom view parameters for content/browse.
  • Fixed bug #8097: view_parameters variable is not set in the user/register.
  • Fixed bug #8149: eztoc operator output is not valid XHTML.
  • Fixed bug #8148: setup wizard crashes on first page load.
  • Fixed bug #7476: Passing 'floor'ed values to 'for' fails.
  • Fixed bug #8186: Unwanted whitespace with inline element [b]/[strong].
  • Fixed bug #8052: module_params operator outputs debug information.
  • Fixed bug #8185: ezdomnode removeChildren will change $this to stdClass.
  • Fixed bug #8141: Smartcache no longer clearing reverse related nodes.
  • Fixed bug #8040: Login Fatal error Undefined class name 'ezcontentobjecttreenode'.
  • Fixed bug #8175: Table in setupwizard (step : "Site package" ) doesn't look good.
  • Fixed bug #8034: cache-block with expiry=0 always expires when TemplateCompiling is disabled.
  • Fixed bug #8176: ezurlalias cache dont use atomic file feature, can cause lot of crashes.
  • Fixed bug #8195: Three really small fixes for xhtml validation.
  • Fixed bug #8193: Wrong Last-Modified header using ezfilepasstroughhandler.php.
  • Fixed bug #8181: Language name is not consistent.
  • Fixed bug #8198: Impossible to remove TOC anchor in the output of [header] element. (Anchor is moved now to [header] tag template)
  • Fixed bug #8201: Wrong comment in binaryfile.ini.
  • Fixed bug #8166: Dobbel [articlethumbnail].
  • Fixed bug #7562: Package file exports are corrupt
  • Added reference fixes for PHP 4.4.
  • Fixed bug: inability to effectively clean up object version cache for a single object.
  • Fixed bug: object version cache is incorrectly cleared in eZConentObject::store().
  • Fixed bug: si operator ignores decimal count of 0 in uncompiled state
  • Fixed bug: ezxmltext datatype: [object] tag corrupts design keys.
  • Fixed bug: static caching that cause old content to be put into the cache files.
  • Fixed bug: Baskets and product collections are not cleaned up when the sessions expire.
  • Fixed bug: Several wrong calls to eZDebug::accumulatorStart
  • Fixed bug: Illegal use of $this variable in static functions, which does not work in PHP 4.4.
  • Fixed bug: Illegal use of $this variable in static functions. (Became visible when using PHP 4.4).
  • Fixed bug: Wrong conditional permisssion when you use more then one "assign with limitation" to one role for the same user (limitations are mixed using logical AND instead of logical OR operation).
  • Fixed bug: object attributes are not checked for 'is_required' flag during publishing if object has an attribute of 'ezobjectrelation' datatype.
  • Fixed bug: Wrong usage of temporary tables that might lead to problems on some of the supported DBMSs when several users are concurrently searching, viewing products or removing subtrees.
  • Fixed bug: for treemenuoperator which will not modify node_id to uri if not required and it will also not fetch unwanted items for leftmenu specially while editing the object from usersite.Also fixed flat_left.tpl file will generate sufficient no of start tags for sub level of menu items.
  • Fixed bug: sql-error when updating eZURLObjectLink object.
  • Fixed bug: regular binary files override each other when uploading via webdav
  • Fixed bug: code improvement.
  • Fixed bug: Payment gateway event always executes cleanup function.
  • Fixed bug: Changes to order in order workflow not avialable for template.
  • Fixed bug: Publishing of objects with removed parent node assignments.
  • Fixed bug: SQL error that may occur when activating a user account.
  • Fixed bug: with ezbinaryfile and versioned download.
  • Fixed bug: Table classification isn't rendered.
  • Fixed bug: infinite loop in pdf export.
  • Fixed bug: indexing fatal error while indexing non existing files.
  • Fixed bug: Warning message 'mb_internal_encoding(): Unknown encoding "koi8-u"' is shown when charset is set to koi8-u in CharacterSettings].Charset setting of i18n.ini.append.
  • Fixed bug: access.php, function accessType(): $uri remains unchanged even after successful matching using 'element' or 'regexp' types of URIMatching.
  • Fixed bug: file access.php, function accessMatchText(): inconsistent types comparson - strpos result 0 as false; in relsult no matching for pre- or post- sub-strings.
  • Fixed bug: copy subtree function does not handle datatype ezobjectrelationlist correctly.
  • Fixed bug: ezpdf: impossibly to set background color of table's header.
  • Fixed bug: ezpdf: an image with 'center' alignment disappears if the image doesn't fit to the page's drawable area.
  • Fixed bug: ezpdf: text flow is broken if image doesn't fit to the page's drawable area.
  • Fixed bug: packages: fatal error in ezpm.php when imported package is already installed. (patch by Katana)
  • Fixed bug: Some errors appear when user stores "PDF exoprt"..
  • Fixed bug: {foreach} treats empty array as malformed input in processed mode.
  • Fixed bug: {undef} template function was able to destroy template variables created with not {def}.
  • Fixed bug: ezpackage: export to file sometimes causes infinite loop.
  • Fixed bug: ezpdf: table's title background is always black when 'titleCellCMYK' and 'titleTextCMYK' are the same.
  • Fixed bug: Invalid using of cached instance of eZTextCodec in ezdbinterface and ezini, as result reseting of global instance of eZTextCodec (errors during setup-wizard).
  • Fixed bug: Required option for eZMatrix, eZOption, eZObjectRelationList attributes is not working.
  • Fixed bug: When changing content of an object attribute having translation disabled, content of the attribute is not updated in its translations. The bug occurs with the following datatypes: eZAuthor, eZEmail, eZMatrix, eZOption, eZMultioption.
  • Fixed bug: cache-blocks doesn't work properly if TemplateCache setting has typo, like TemplateCache=enbl..
  • Fixed bug: Wrong defining version of PostgreSQL.
  • Fixed bug: Wrong parse default (double precision) value.
  • Fixed bug: Fatal error when try to register new user.
  • Fixed bug: var_dump+xdebug cause broken debug output.
  • Fixed bug: Runcronjob works incorrectly with oracle(objects aren't published after approving).
  • Fixed bug: 'postgresql' + 'reverseRelatedCount' cause sql-error.
  • Fixed bug: 'ezdebug' + 'xdebug' - special characters are not converted to HTML entities.
  • Fixed bug: 'ezinteger' - wrong min/max validation. (Applyed patch by Hans Melis)
  • Fixed bug: reverseRelatedObjectList and *Count don't work correctly If referring object has translations ] 1. ( Wrong adding relations to ezcontentobject_link ).
  • Fixed bug: XML parser crashes when [![CDATA[ section is not properly closed.
  • Added possibility to add custom attributes to body in SOAP requests.
  • Fixed bug: Incorrect processing quote, double quote and backslash signs inside href in XML input.
  • Fixed bug: SQL error when occuring when running subtree notification cronjob.
  • Fixed bug: Broken table border in order archive list.
  • Fixed bug: ezIniSettingType:parseArrayInput() doesn't work correctly. ( if inputText is like "=Ez Systems" )
  • Fixed "Object relation" and "Object relations" datatypes (un)serialization to export related object remote_id instead of id.
  • Fixed bug: When exporting all contentobject versions only the last version was actually exported (multiple times).
  • Fixed bug: fatal error on editing an RSS export.
  • Fixed bug: "advanced redirection after user login" feature does not work if user logs out and then logs in.
  • Fixed inability to proceed with an uploaded package in the setup wizard.
  • Removing references to product category after it has been removed.
  • Fixed bug: eZContentObjectTreeNode::fethNode should not fetch temporary nodes.
  • Fixed bug: broken image passthrough when clustering is enabled.
  • Fixed bug: Content cache might be not cleared when clustering is enabled due to occurence of '//' in the wildcard.
  • Fixed bug: Wrong headers numbering in automatic XML headers numeration.
  • Fixed bug: Tables and lists are rendered 2 times in XML-]XHTML output.
  • Fixed bug: Wrong headers numbering in eztoc template operator.
  • Fixed bug: Specifying non-existent classes only in 'ShowClasses' setting causes 'content structure' menu show all classes.
  • Fixed some mysql deadlocks that may have happened when several users were concurrently publishing something.
  • Fixed bug: php and tpl errors/warnings when creating object with 'ezmedia' datatype in non-compiled template mode.
  • Fixed bug: TrimSpaces settings removed too many spaces. (also this setting is now on by default)
  • Fixed bug: Double-escaping of the object's name.
  • Fixed bug: the header set in ez soapserver is not sent.
  • Fixed bug: ezsendmailtransport.php copies every message to user "0".
  • Fixed bug: Prices of products using dynamic VAT charging were always displayed without VAT included.
  • Fixed HTTP headers generated when serving images by claster to work properly with squid.