eZ Publish / Releases / eZ publish 3.8 / ez-publish-3-8-1


eZ publish 3.8.1


Version Release date Requirements
OE 4.1.1
June 22, 2006 PHP > 4.4
MySQL > 3.23
PostgreSQL > 7.3


Changelog 3.8.0 to 3.8.1

Changes from 3.8.0 to 3.8.1


  • Changed the way clustering settings are stored. For more details see doc/features/3.8/clustering.txt.
  • Optimized index_image.php to gain more speed.


  • Fixed bug #7741: safe_mode off evaluates to "true".
  • Fixed bug #8218: unknow variable $ouput (in ezxhtmlxmloutput.php).
  • Fixed bug #8210: ez crash when using fetch content/related_objects without a correct object_id.
  • Fixed bug #8192: content tree fetch function fails with parent_node_id as array and depth set.
  • Fixed bug #8243: Template compiler does not check if object isset when fetching attributes.
  • Fixed bug #8241: Collaboration module: fetchItemList and fetchItemCount don't agree on param 'status'.
  • Fixed bug #8236: articlethumbnail still listed 2 times in image.ini.append.
  • Fixed bug #8224: Fallback language for US should not be ger-GB. (Fixed a typo).
  • Fixed bug #8223: Notification is sent even though object is hidden when you publish it.
  • Fixed bug #8245: Reference bugs in eZContentObjectTree::canCreateClassList and related functions.
  • Fixed bug #8246: toolbar template "user_country" missing.
  • Fixed bug #8242: Wrong PHP requrements in setup.ini.
  • Fixed broken script bin/php/clusterize.php.
  • Fixed bug #8253: Deleting an unpublished object returns an error.
  • Fixed bug #8244: Unwanted space after emphasize XML tag.
  • Fixed bug #8156: Encoding format in RSS feeds.
  • Fixed bug #8258: Accumulator $key does not exists, run eZDebug::accumulatorStart first.
  • Fixed bug #8261: Editing of objects crashes.
  • Fixed bug #8279: Typo in lib/ezfile/classes/ezlog.php.
  • Fixed bug #8289: eZDir::findSubitems() throws warning when searching areas without read access.
  • Fixed bug #8150: issue in the embed/image.tpl
  • Fixed bug #8293: Bug in roman() operator.
  • Fixed bug #8229: Image Upload in 3.8 doesn't work.
  • Fixed bug #8297: Checkbox datatype Information collector bug.
  • Fixed bug #8294: Warning: array_merge_recursive(): recursion detected in ezuser.php.
  • Fixed bug: RelatedSiteAccessList setting is set in override setting dir instead of siteaccess dir. Also it is not present and documented in main site.ini file.
  • Fixed bug #8233: Problem with untranslateable content object attributes when switching main language.
  • Fixed bug #8311: Literal tag changes all [br /] to \n and [p][/p] to \n\n.
  • Fixed bug #8184: Object Relation Lists after upgrade to 3.8 rc1.
  • Fixed suggestion #6747: modulo parameter for delimeter.
  • Fixed bug #8338: Attribute class property can_translate not properly respected when fetching data.
  • Fixed bug #8344: Removing locations. (Removing of multiple locations doesn't work).
  • Fixed bug #8343: Rss feed bug when importing into xml block.
  • Fixed bug #8380: eZWizardBase - Operation in step definition does not work properly.
  • Fixed bug #8287: kernel 1 error when editing content.
  • Fixed bug #8372: Literal tag (even with html class) decodes all entities.
  • Fixed bug #8308: Removing an object invalidates all the viewcache.
  • Fixed bug #7898: Multiplexer fails when redirecting to template or cron.
  • Fixed bug: Images disappear if ezimage attr is Not translatable. (e.g If image object has cze-CZ and eng-GB translations)
  • Fixed bug: Image attr isn't updated after publishing if attr is Not translatable. (Image should be fetched from original attr)
  • Fixed bug #8447: Template for with error cause crash.
  • Fixed bug #8238: multilingual upgrade script cause seg fault, and has memory leakage.
  • Fixed bug #8203: Memory leak in updatemultilingual.php
  • Fixed bug #8469: updatemultilingual.php doesn't work with siteacceses in extensions.. (Patch by Ole Marius Smestad)
  • Fixed bug: Importing an OO document containing images does not work if clustering is enabled.
  • Fixed bug #8394: Fatal error due to typo in clustering code.
  • Fixed bug: bin/php/clusterize.php cannot load cluster handler from an extension.
  • Fixed bug #8395: Not possible to define MySQL socket when using MySQL cluster handler.
  • Fixed bug #8259: Performance issue with eZKeyword datatype.
  • Fixed bug: "Relation" and "Relation List" attributes were not imported properly when installing a package.
  • Fixed bug #8445: Poll return wrong report.
  • Fixed bug #8342: Missing index on ezurlalias, eznode_assignment table.
  • Fixed bug #8312: bug with SearchContentClassID in advancedsearch.php.
  • Fixed bug #8516: Create static cache via admin interface fails.
  • Fixed bug #8439: Empty product category attribute gives a Fatal error.
  • Fixed bug #8519: Vise versa behavior of KeepGroupAssignment ini-setting (ldap.ini).
  • Fixed bug #8459: Content object packages does not support embedded objects.
  • Fixed bug #8325: problem with versionview.tpl (standard)
  • Fixed bug #8534: Images are installed under var/storage instead of var/[siteaccess]/storage.
  • Fixed bug #8381: PathPrefix not removed when linking to root node.
  • Fixed bug #8476: Reference usage in eZWorkflowProcess::setParameters().
  • Fixed bug #8539: CRITICAL language permissions bug (if languages ]= 4).
  • Fixed bug: Images disappear when changing/removing versions/translations If ezimage attr is not translatable. Changed: If an image exists in other ezimage attributes we should not delete it from storage. ezImageFile table contains not unique filepath.