eZ Publish / Releases / eZ Publish 4.0 / ez-publish-4-0-0


eZ publish 4.0.0


Changelog 4.0.0 to 4.0.1


  • Implemented enhancement #8648: updatesearchindex.php unnecessary reindexes each node - not each object
  • Implemented enhancement #11896: sql optimization in ezontentObjectTreeNode::fetch()
  • Implemented enhancement #11897: fetch content list - mysql query - optimization
  • Implemented enhancement #12656: Add parameter for type casting to eZDBInterface::generateSQLINStatement()
  • Implemented enhancement #12757: Make eZSimplifiedXMLInput::updateUrlObjectLinks() static
  • Implemented enhancement: Show source of extension siteaccess settings in settings/view See issue: #12519: settings/view for extension siteaccesses doesn't work + Placement for array starts every time with 'default'
  • Implemented enhancement #12824: Mention template file and line number for "Missing/malformed array to iterate through." errors
  • Implemented enhancement #12212: Setup wizard doesn't confirm existence of DOMDocument
  • Implemented enhancement: #13039: ez4: setup/extensions enhancement - sort + only show dirs + links.
  • Implemented enhancement: #12027: Improve how timezones are set.
  • Implemented enhancement #12548: static count() function in eZPersistentObject




  • Fixed bug #12036: Problems with image/imagefile operators
  • Fixed bug #12176: eZCodePage::setPermissionSetting strict warning
  • Fixed bug #12178: Strict Non-static method warnings in eZInformationCollection
  • Fixed bug #12228: site.ini [DebugSettings] AlwaysLog[] does not have strict debug type
  • Fixed bug #12204: Many Strict warnings when using ezscript
  • Fixed bug #12157: eZWaitUntilDateType: Strict standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference
  • Fixed bug #8569: bad html from ezdebug.php
  • Fixed bug #12167: Only variables should be assigned by reference in kernel/classes/packagecreators/ezextension/ezextensionpackagecreator.php
  • Fixed bug #12209: updateniceurls.php: wrong fetch limit is displayed
  • Fixed bug #9691: Undefined index: wildIDArray
  • Fixed bug #9931: IE7 unable to receive node to pdf
  • Fixed bug #12116: The system shows unneeded (non-existing) spaces in the global aliases interface
  • Fixed bug #11854: warning in ezdebug.php - Undefined variable: relMemory
  • Fixed bug #12136: Trailing comma's in "Insufficient permissions" debug output
  • Fixed bug #12101: eZDBPackageHandler E_STRICT warnings
  • Fixed bug #12199: Declaration of eZImageTextLayer::mergeLayer() incompatible with eZImageLayer::mergeLayer()
  • Fixed bug #11861: treemenu always throw notice
  • Fixed bug: strict warning about eZPackageHandler::errorChoosenAction
  • Fixed bug #10507: eZINI::variableArray() destroys array keys
  • Fixed bug #12271: eZINI::variableArray() does return array with one empty string
  • Fixed bug: unnecessary passing by reference in eZCollaborationItemHandler and subclasses
  • Fixed bug #12301: Strict standards: Non-static method eZUser::failedLoginAttempts() should not be called statically
  • Fixed bug #12283: Non-static method eZContentObjectTreeNode::findMainNodeArray()
  • Fixed bug #8969: Char transform cache file is not valid PHP
  • Fixed bug #12308: Strict warnings about non-static methods eZMath::rgbToCMYK() and eZMath::rgbToCMYK2()
  • Fixed bug #11898: attribute_view_gui override condition does not work
  • Fixed bug #11976: Error: error executing query: UPDATE ezorder_status
  • Fixed bug #12170: Importing existing content objects with ezpm.php causes additional nodes with same remote id.
  • Fixed bug #11160: Javascript error caused by non washed string in the template. (Discard draft)
  • Fixed bug #12343: Calling a SOAP function doesn't work
  • Fixed bug #12366: password hash type not imported correctly from content object package
  • Fixed bug #12304: Wrong message in user/setting view for locked users
  • Fixed bug #12381: $key in "Accumulator $key does not exists, run eZDebug::accumulatorStart first" debug message
  • Fixed bug #12371: Error message during upgade to Webin 1.3
  • Fixed bug #12225: PDF text_block does not display the plus symbol
  • Fixed bug #12307: Special characters in pdf text_block operator are not handled correctly and bug #10952: Problem with PDF and UTF8 in tables
  • Fixed bug #12380: Nested p elements in setup/init/final.tpl
  • Fixed bug #11666: Typo in ezorder.php
  • Fixed bug #12387: PHP object is not copied correct in ezhttpheader.php
  • Fixed bug #11744: Dynamic tree menu not displaying, javascript error in content_structure_menu_dynamic.tpl
  • Fixed bug #12321: Error with sending an email with smtp
  • Fixed bug #10691: Empty user agent string in HTTP requests by link check cronjob
  • Fixed bug #11970: Query error: Out of range value adjusted for column 'lang_mask' at row 1. Fixed for mysqli interfase.
  • Fixed bug #12386: XML Handling of ImageAlias not correct
  • Fixed bug #12407: Output templates from RAD need update
  • Fixed bug #12398: ezpublish 3 still mentioned in a few places
  • Fixed bug #12267: eZSoapClient unable to use SSL with different port than 443
  • Fixed bug #12416: Non-static methods called by tip a friend function
  • Fixed bug #12414: flatten.php : db-host not defined
  • Fixed bug #10574: User parameters are not passed when redirecting from an old url alias
  • Fixed bug #12272: Add locations allows non containers if thumbnail mode is selected
  • Fixed bug #12305: User object's view cache not cleared after exceeded failed login attempts
  • Fixed bug #9843: Unused line in user locking code
  • Fixed bug #12278: The default admin sitemap template generates huge overhead
  • Fixed bug #11115: ezmultiprice.tpl - paragraph tag too much
  • Fixed bug #12440: updatetipafriendpolicy.php: when logging in with wrong user account, bad message
  • Fixed bug #11383: soap client sends bogus user-agent when in ssl mode
  • Fixed bug #11559: php warning: Non-static method eZTemplateCacheBlock::getSubtreeModification() should not be called statically
  • Fixed bug #11856: ezsoapresponse::decodeDataTypes not declared as static
  • Fixed bug #11955: updatevatcountries.php does not work
  • Fixed bug #12074: eZContentObjectTreeNode::calendar() should be static
  • Fixed bug #12443: eZRedirectManager methods still take $module by reference
  • Fixed bug #12039: Warning in template ( compile test ) checkoutagain.tpl
  • Fixed bug #10660: Template operator "ends_with" doesn't work when the pattern appears several times in the string
  • Fixed bug #12143: Missing washes for enum datatype content edit template
  • Fixed bug #12270: Missing 'static' in eZContentCacheManager
  • Fixed bug #12197: Error in pdf export page
  • Fixed bug #12334: Non-static method eZMedia::removeByID()
  • Fixed bug #12428: strtolower() in eZSearchLog::addPhrase gives error for special char for e.g. ���
  • Fixed bug #11804: Error in integer validation for collected values
  • Fixed bug #12175: cache-block subtree_expiry never expires
  • Fixed bug #12452: Error with \kernel\classes\datatypes\ezenum\ezenumtype.php
  • Fixed bug #12189: eZSearchLog::addPhrase transaction error
  • Fixed bug #12457: ISBN-13 format checkbox is not there when ranges are imported
  • Fixed bug #12098: Class eZISBN10To13Converter is defined in a CLI script
  • Fixed bug #12441: Wrong name of "list" fetch function in "kernel/content/function_definition.php"
  • Fixed bug #12023: Delimiter is never executed when using nested loops and template compilation is enabled
  • Fixed bug #8688: updatesearchindex.php does not (re)index top nodes
  • Fixed bug #12464: PHP Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Empty string supplied as input
  • Fixed bug #12465: PHP Warning: Undefined index: Limitation
  • Fixed bug #12233: bin/php/ezcsvexport.php: various issues
  • Fixed bug #11823: Wish list not removed when user is removed
  • Fixed bug #12149: Strict warnings on content object package export
  • Fixed bug #12474: PHP Warning: Undefined variable: srcPath
  • Fixed bug #12475: updatebinaryfile.php does not work in db clustering mode
  • Fixed bug #12453: hardcoded error message "The maximum nesting level of 40 has..."
  • Fixed bug #7539: Extension action parameter issue
  • Fixed bug #7645: "206 Partial content" not working in ezfilepasstroughhandler.php
  • Fixed bug #12310: lib/ezimage/classes/ezimageshellhandler.php contains 2 PHP classes
  • Fixed bug #12492: reference warning in access.php if SiteAccessRules group is used
  • Fixed bug #12502: autoload for ezimageshellfactory doesn't work
  • Fixed bug #12512: Only variables should be assigned by reference in kernel/classes/collaborationhandlers/ezapprove/ezapprovecollaborationhandler.php on line 258
  • Fixed bug #12495: array_merge warning when using alphabetical navigator template
  • Fixed bug #12509: PHP strict warning: Non-static method eZUser::isUserObject() should not be called statically
  • Fixed bug #12534: eZWizardBaseClassLoader not adapted for PHP 5
  • Fixed bug #12518: Problem with LastPostVars for edit redirection after login
  • Fixed bug #11205: Node gets deleted, matching ezview_counter row doesn't
  • Fixed bug #12535: typo "enconding" in ezsoaprequest
  • Fixed bug #8834: Problems with WEBDAV if $_SERVER["SCRIPT_URL"] does not exist
  • Fixed bug #12123: eZLDAPUser::loginUser has hardcoded UserGroupClassID in sql
  • Fixed bug #12320: bug in staticcache_cleanup.php makes it run forever (by AR)
  • Fixed bug #12640: depth_operator does not work properly when fetching tree counts
  • Fixed bug #11631: Collaboration system: status of subsequent pending versions incorrectly set to "draft"
  • Fixed bug #12234: ezcontent_language missing index on name field
  • Fixed bug #12654: Non-static method eZContentObjectTreeNode::subTreeGroupByDateField() should not be called statically
  • Fixed bug #12664: Strict PHP warning when using maketime template operator without parameters
  • Fixed bug #12633: Typing error in EZPublish kernel classes
  • Fixed bug #12611: $db-]subString() used in several places where 'like' would be significant faster
  • Fixed bug #12537: content move - slow mysql query
  • Fixed bug #12683: Package export: name, summary and description no longer auto-generated
  • Fixed bug #12687: missing index table ezcontentobject
  • Fixed bug #9542: ezcontentobject missing DB index on remote_id field
  • Fixed bug #12688: Function call_user_method_array() is deprecated
  • Fixed bug #12690: PHP warning about undefined variable: port when running bin/php/ezsqldumpschema.php
  • Fixed bug #7904: Use of UseFullUrl in layout.ini breaks mailto: links
  • Fixed bug #9133: eZ debug in popup doesnt work in subdirs
  • Fixed bug #9094: "medium" sized images are shown as "large"
  • Fixed bug #9054: Edit icons in "List of used templates" in debug are broken.
  • Fixed bug #12375: Concurrency issues in images generation in a cluster environnement
  • Fixed bug #9129: Selection datatype
  • Fixed bug #12373: Trying to call method on not defined object $workflowType.
  • Fixed bug #12172: Errors when tying to open trash
  • Fixed bug #12711: $Module-]ViewParameters contains a key 'Limitation' coming from the policy system
  • Fixed bug #12006: cronjobs/indexcontent.php could fail with oracle
  • Fixed bug #12657: ezontentObjectTreeNode::fetch does not use db independant IN query
  • Fixed bug #12674: ezontentObjectTreeNode::move does not use db independant IN query
  • Fixed bug #12222: Unreadable color for hyperlinks on finetune page
  • Fixed bug #10601: Alphabetical Navigator is in wrong place
  • Fixed bug #9330: Subtree limited role assignment doesn't change after moving node
  • Fixed bug #12713: strict php warning - shop
  • Fixed bug #11914: php warning when override template doesn't exist
  • Fixed bug #11606: php crash if an inexisting login handler class is specified in ini files
  • Fixed bug #12717: Non-static method eZImageInterface::cleanupRegisteredImages() should not be called statically
  • Fixed bug #12715: template: list element has no classification
  • Fixed bug #10139: ezstaticcache:removeURL cannot remove URL
  • Fixed bug #12476 Unstable in cluster environmnet
  • Fixed bug #12750: Certain variables are not replaced in simplified xml input parser errors
  • Fixed bug #11446: eZContentCacheManager::clearObjectViewCache not protected against custom calls
  • Fixed bug #12758: eZFileHandler::instance() called by reference in eZCache
  • Fixed bug #9122: Empty TO mail header part violates RFC when running notifications
  • Fixed bug #12597: Infinitive loop / Segment fault caused by smart viewcache settings
  • Fixed bug #10496: Missing i18n for the admin content structure tooltip in
  • Fixed bug #12672: Package creation adds extra whitespace to XML
  • Fixed bug #9126: Static cache uses old cache to create new cache on publishing. See doc/features/4.0/static_cache_user_agent.txt
  • Fixed bug #11109: Object relations datatype - content class export and import issues
  • Fixed bug #12754: eZRSSExport: Wrong conversion of Norwegian characters in URL
  • Fixed bug #12162: HostMatchMapItems is not set correctly after installation
  • Fixed bug #12442: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: ezi18n in ezselectiontype.php
  • Fixed bug #8974: setYear(), setMonth() and setDay() methods in ezdate sets wrong member variable
  • Fixed bug #11842: runcronjop.php didn't find siteacceses in extension
  • Fixed bug #11841: admin: settings/view display wrong data if siteaccess located in an extension
  • Fixed bug #12489: eZDOMNode#textContent() doesnt return CDATA
  • Fixed bug #11667: Empty window when upload new related object
  • Fixed bug #12605: Custom error action for kernel errors don't work anymore with eZ 4.0
  • Fixed bug #12076: eZPersistentObject tries to set increment key when 'increment_key' =] false
  • Fixed bug #12564: ez4.0 stable trunk Call to undefined memory_get_peak_usage() with php 5.1
  • Fixed bug #11002: Timezone setting ignored in runcronjobs.php
  • Fixed bug #12415: eZContentObjectVersion::removeVersions does not work when using flatten.php
  • Fixed bug #12784: PathPrefix setting should NOT be case sensitive
  • Fixed bug #12802: Strict:PHP Only variables should be assigned by reference in ezworkflowprocess.php on line 255
  • Fixed bug #10096: PHP errors when fetch_alias is not definied
  • Fixed bug #12525: Strict: Non-static method eZWebDAVServer::appendLogEntry() should not be called statically
  • Fixed bug #12741: eztemplatecompiler.php // Missing argument // line 3036
  • Fixed bug #12820: Unnecessary code in eZContentClassClassGroup::fetchClassList
  • Fixed bug #11567: It is possible to create "common ini settings" in content branch
  • Fixed bug #12606: costant MAX_AGE defined twice
  • Fixed bug #12732: Use of undefined constant STDERR in ezdbinterface.php
  • Fixed bug #12828: It's impossible to copy a node
  • Fixed bug #12716: invalid XHTML
  • Fixed bug #8388: Cache for content/read limitation list isn't cleared after switching users
  • Fixed bug #12847: count() on DOMNodeList instance in ezsoapserver.php
  • Fixed bug #12849: empty() check on DOMDocument instance in ezsoapserver.php
  • Fixed bug #12429: Login restricted to a site access doesn't work
  • Fixed bug #11871: Class identifier cache not cleared when view caching and template cache are disabled
  • Fixed bug #12531: updateniceurls.php does not import all wildcard urls
  • Fixed bug #12830: PHP Warning: array_key_exists ... The second argument should be either an array or an object in /lib/ezutils/classes/ezmodule.php on line 1116
  • Fixed bug #11084: $node|attribute(show) throws catchable fatal error
  • Fixed bug #10243: Second event not seen in workflow with PostgreSQL
  • Fixed bug #12869: php warning: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/mood.fr/ez/kernel/classes/workflowtypes/event/ezapprove/ezapprovetype.php on line 278
  • Fixed bug #12871: eZUser::fetchUserGroupClassNames() and eZUser::fetchUserClassList() are static but not defined as static
  • Fixed bug #10497: Fatal error when edit workflow with "Event / Wait until date" with length of Description more than 50 chars.
  • Fixed bug #12892: Fatal error: Call to a member function attribute() on a non-object in ezorder.php
  • Fixed bug #12896: Price datatype fromString takes VAT id as flag wether VAT is included in the price or not
  • Fixed bug #12902: eZForgotPassword::createNew strict warning
  • Fixed bug #12817: PHP warning DOMNode::appendChild() expects parameter 1 to be DOMNode, boolean given
  • Fixed bug #12609: Collaboration notification: last item is repeated if multiple
  • Fixed bug #10060: memory limit set to 42Mb in index.php but 64Mb required?
  • Fixed bug #12913: Memory limit check in setup wizard currently uses 12M
  • Fixed bug #12914: HTML Error: there is no attribute "disabled"
  • Fixed bug #12362: Fatal error DOM
  • Fixed bug #12919: error in ezcontentobject-]parents()
  • Fixed bug #12069: Fatal error when word longer than 150 characters
  • Fixed bug #12927: "Remove" in js menu in admin interface delivers wrong object id
  • Fixed bug #10616: Fixing Information-Collection Code
  • Fixed bug #12931: eZPaymentObject's createNew(..) should be static
  • Fixed bug #12938: Syntax error in ezimageinterface.php
  • Fixed bug #12946: Static cache doesn't support url with capital letters
  • Fixed bug #12710: datatype ezimage:remove image works only the second time
  • Fixed bug #12954: eZImageInterface::hasGD2 is static but not defined as static
  • Fixed bug #12983: PHP Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Empty string supplied as input in ezimagealiashandler
  • Fixed bug #12990: Wrong API documentation for eZContentLanguage::sqlFilter()
  • Fixed bug #13028: Typo in eZContentObject::removeNode()
  • Fixed bug #13042: Section name not escaped in section/edit.tpl
  • Fixed bug #12926: "Strict: PHP" error using feedback form
  • Fixed bug #13055: eZURLAliasML::setLangMaskAlwaysAvailable() has incorrect bit-logic
  • Fixed bug #12918: Non-static method eZURLAliasML::removeSingleEntry()
  • Fixed bug #12785: Multilingual url aliases
  • Fixed bug #13058: eZContentObjectTreenode - pathWithNames() should fallback to perma-links when lookup of path fails
  • Fixed bug #12462: updateniceurls.php erroneous on equal node titles
  • Fixed bug #13064: eZContentObject::fetchIDArray uses $eZContentObjectContentObjectCache but doesn't globalize it
  • Fixed bug #12493: Input lost when creating forum topic with missing attributes
  • Fixed bug #11903: use of deprecated declaration of variable
  • Fixed bug #13139: Publishing a node for which there is a custom url alias inadvertently mark the alias as not being original.
  • Fixed bug #13140: eZURLAliasML::storePath() can cause incorrect url entries to be reparented
  • Fixed bug #12843: Wrong warning when trying to add a global url alias which is already taken
  • Fixed bug #13148: Importing url aliases whose action_type = 'module' will not become aliases (is_alias = 0)
  • Fixed bug #11806: content/treemenu dosn't work in fastcgi mode
  • Fixed bug #12811: Warning:PHP array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in ezobjectrelationlisttype.php on line 1518
  • Fixed bug #13161: Relations in an attribute of the datatype ezobjectrelationlist are not imported
  • Fixed bug #12842: updateviewcount.php uses path_identification_string instead of url_alias
  • Fixed bug #13163: URLs upgraded from 3.9 and below which points to modules should not redirect
  • Fixed bug #13121: Canceling a user signup produces a fatal error
  • Fixed bug #12934: workflow/processlist - Add pagination.
  • Fixed bug #12586: ezconvertdbcharset.php script fails while Changing DB charset.
  • Fixed bug #12734: Search engine not triggered when adding / removing a location.
  • Fixed bug #13224: ORL: handleCustomObjectHTTPActions loads whole database into memory
  • Fixed bug #9005: GLOB_BRACE with non GNU glibc.
  • Fixed bug #13256: 4.0.1rc1 strict warning eZTrigger::removeTriggerForWorkflow(), eZWorkflow::setIsEnabled()
  • Fixed bug #13277: Image analyzer settings are not loaded properly
  • Fixed bug #12519: settings/view for extension siteaccesses doesn't work + Placement for array starts every time with 'default'.
  • Fixed bug #13285: Logging done in updateniceurls.php should be controlled by options to the script.
  • Fixed bug #12782: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ezmoduleoperationinfo.php.
  • Fixed bug #12227: Write permission check to autoload directory should be done in earlier step in Setup wizard.
  • Fixed bug #13302: eZTemplateCacheBlock::decodeNodeID(...) must be updated to use new multilingual urlalias api
  • Fixed bug #12129: New sql upgrade scripts should create tables using InnoDB, not MyISAM.
  • Fixed bug #11808: Certain multibyte characters might lead to incorrect URL upon redirection
  • Fixed bug #13189: Webdav - content not browsable, media works ok
  • Fixed bug #13275: Spelling typo wilrdcard-cache-index gives trouble in cluster mode.
  • Fixed bug #13297: Wrong Translation code in por-MZ locale.
  • Fixed bug #13367: bin/modfix.sh doesn't affect the "autoload" directory.
  • Fixed bug #13374: WebDav fails to open folders in Media tree with url translator transformation group urlalias_compat
  • Fixed bug #12610: Create new package - Uncaught exception 'DOMException'
  • Fixed bug #11799: Slave DB: a database transaction in eZ Publish failed
  • Fixed bug #13384: Insert queries that contain "create temporary" in values are executed on MySQL slave
  • Fixed bug #13380: DROP table for temporary tables created on a slave executed on master?
  • Fixed bug #13411: Setting status of a new version is outside of the database transaction
  • Fixed bug #12216: query error in eZContentObjectTreeNode::calendar
  • Fixed bug #13434: Problem if xmlblock is required /empty and Add object in objectrelation(s) is clicked
  • Fixed bug #13413: eZMySQLiDB constructor does not exit always if mysqli extension is not available
  • Fixed bug #13444: Function visibility should be changed on eZURLAliasQuery - generateSQL
  • Fixed bug #13150: Tree menu in admin hangs when it gets too deep
  • Fixed bug #13451: updatebinaryfile.php fails on multiple content versions pointing to the same file
  • Fixed bug #13450: Oracle specific code in ezsearchengine.php
  • Fixed bug #13449: SmartCacheClear ClearCacheMethod "keyword" doesn't work
  • Fixed bug #13309: eZmatrix datatype doesn't store text content properly when containing some special characters
  • Fixed bug #13435: PHP Notice: Undefined property: eZAuthor::$Name in kernel\classes\datatypes\ezauthor\ezauthor.php on line 124
  • Fixed bug #13056: Objectrelationlist datatype does not store filled in data when editing the objects in the list.
  • Fixed bug #13415: user/register adding node assignment for DefaultUserPlacement outside database transaction
  • Fixed bug #13491: Dynamic content structure menu hangs when content name contains quote
  • Fixed bug #13489: subTreeByNodeID - missing depthOperator -] generate slow mysql query
  • Fixed bug #13144: Author could modify pending versions.
  • Fixed bug #13219: Empty passwords were possible with legacy users using PASSWORD_HASH_MYSQL
  • Fixed bug #12436: Insufficient form handling made privilege escalation possible.
  • Fixed bug #12438: Crash in LDAP login process could lead to privilege escalation.
  • Fixed bug #11924: updatetypedrelation.php is not compatible with oracle


eZ Publish 4.0